Just who am I?

Oct 01, 2009 01:50

After typing out my first true journal entry, I feel almost inspired to continue this work. I've decided to pull on my thoughts, one by one, and post them in an entry. Maybe it will sort out my own brain, and perhaps even change how the reader sees things?


It's been said that one can be defined by how he is perceived by others. If this is true then what does that make me? To some people I am a clown. Just there to entertain. Worth a few laughs and that's it. To others, a fool. They see me as stupid, and ignorant, just because I do not see things the way they do. They call me an idiot for having a closed mind, when they themselves need to open their eyes. I am a brother. To my brother by blood, I am the young one. The one that needs to be watched over and protected. The "little brother." To others I am the one doing the protecting, the one they look up to. Big brother Mike, that's what I am to them. Some people see me as a genius, someone smart, absorbing knowledge and skills like a sponge. Those people are few, extremely rare. It is unfortunate that most see me as the Idiot clown, or the house wife. Just there to make them laugh or do their chores. It pisses me off to no end! They say they appreciate me, then show it! Do not treat me like dirt underneath your feet! How I pity those that just don't understand... they believe they know everything, and yet they know absolutely nothing...

So according to this I am so many many things. A protective clown of a genius who can't do anything right. If I don't like this, which I don't, then there is only one thing I can do. I must change how these people see me. I do not want to be known as the jester, the fool, the genius, or the tool. I wish to be known only as Mike. Just Mike. It's sad that no one truly knows who I am. Only my family and a few select friends truly appreciate me for who I am, but even they do not know me fully. I'm not sure even I do. And so I now venture forth on a quest to find my true self. There will be bumps along the way, road blocks in my path, and mountains to climb, but I will get there, and I will make the people see who I am.

Now I ask you two questions lovely reader....

Who am I?


Who are you?

self evaluation

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