E-mail to Zero, Angela, and Marty

May 18, 2006 20:07

TO: Angela, Marty, Zero
FROM: Parker
BCC: Logan
RE: What you've missed
DATE: 5/18/06

So, see attached for Shirtless Day. Sorry, Marty. But Angela deserves to know too. And at least you know what you're coming back to in July: lots of pretty new guys!

Just had a long talk on the phone with Angel. He's buying a hotel. He's killing things. And agents are giving him their phone numbers. Before they try to talk to him, obviously. I find this unreasonably hilarious.

Took a bunch of people shopping this morning-- including Jack Harkness. Who is alive, in one piece, and amnesiac again. So if he acts like he doesn't know you in July, it's only because he doesn't. He also finally 'fessed up to not being a normal guy, but I'll let him tell you about that. Zero, there's a new girl here who according to Rory has been corrupted into the ways of Angelica Desmesnes. We so should be getting kickbacks from her agent.

Last weekend, we had a resurgence of fairy/other possession. I know you've probably talked to Nadia, Marty, but she seems to be doing mostly okay now. Pippi's in worse shape, but Molly's fine too. Zero, fast update: that stupid fairy from the play came back, some future version of Walter too, and took possession of Pippi and Walter. Now you know as much as I do.

Met a few new people-- Xander's friend Willow, or some version of her. Can't say she made a great impression. But then, she didn't like that I'd beat up someone else, so I'll cut her slack. For now.

And there's another Buffy Summers here. This one is from 1996, Angela. So if you've got any pointers on living in the 21st Century for her, pass 'em along so I can help her out. She's so completely different from the girl who was here in the fall, you wouldn't believe it. I think it's a dimensional thing as well as a time thing; she likes to shop and wants to be a cheerleader. So weird.

I'm fighting nicotine and beating-up-people cravings right now. I talked to my dad after which Isabel had to talk me down. I'm just hoping I'll get to stay here for second session at this point. And Liz won't give me my cigarettes. So, lollipops and snark. Oh, and talking to new guys like Jamie, who are good for my ego and also entertaining. Date with Jarod tonight. Which will hopefully not end in an argument about my dad.

It's overwhelming, how many new people we've got in. I know I'm forgetting something. I'll let you know how the workshops go after they start next week-- I'm taking archery with the ninja, first aid from a new teacher, wilderness survival from Callisto (I must have been nuts) and beach fun with... Jarod. So at least my Fridays will be amusing as all hell.

Write back, let me know how the documentary goes, Zero. And how Tahiti was, Angela. And how you're finding Pittsburgh.

*waves to Marty, with no other instructions*

-- Parker

[On Logan's copy, Parker added: Fix your phone, doofus. No one can reach you!]

nadia, zero, shirtless day, angel, jamie, molly, pippi, buffy, jarod, angela, isabel, marty, 234/236, willow, wings, jack, links, smoker diary

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