Miss Parker -- OOC Character backstory info

May 24, 2006 16:42

Because, yeah, everyone else is. But also, because I already did most of it.

Previously on the Pretender: backstory post from September 2005, updated along the way.

The Parker that I'm playing is basically a Mini-Me version of the one seen on the Pretender-- she has not been cloned, twinned, or de-aged; I just monkeyed with the timeline, and moved it up 30 years. Because of that, this Parker is now completely AU from the one on the series in certain respects. She's learned things about her mother's death that the Miss Parker on-screen didn't learn until her thirties, she's romantically involved with Jarod (which never got to happen on-screen either, damnit), and her time in Fandom has led to her actually forming friendships-- something she was in painfully short supply of in the original timeline. So she is a bitch. Just not quite as much of one.

Things she's done since coming to Fandom:
- Been diagnosed with an ulcer
- Quit smoking
- Had the ulcer go nuclear anyway

- Helped with the souling of Angelus (lots of the research)
- Become (bizarrely) friends with Angel to the point where she can yell at him, and he'll just sulk and then call her "Mom" to get back at her.

- Fallen into Locker 327, gone to Cheyenne Mtn., gotten a crush on Teal'c, and come back to FH aware of a lot of the SGC backstory for the minis.
- Become a library aide, which meant becoming friends with Zero, Rory, Angela, and Janet.

- Been involved with:
* Rob Gordon (High Fidelity) - bad break-up, embarassing follow-up, then he left the island.
* Michael Samuelle (La Femme Nikita) - even worse break-up, expulsion for him, now working for SD-6 in L.A.
* Jack Harkness (Dr. Who) - friends-with-benefits which now only Parker remembers any details of, since he's got amnesia. Again.
* Lee Adama (BSG2003) - lots of UST, which got resolved for about three days, then ended very awkwardly. Then he left the planet. (Do you see a trend?)
* Jarod (Pretender) - first real love. Current guy. Fingers crossed it doesn't all go horribly, horribly wrong.

- Been on StuCo twice
- Helped set up the Investigator's Club
- Founded the Gun Club
- lots of other investigations and shenanigans at the behest of friends and enemies too complicated to get into here. Sometime, I really need to write up a month-by-month summary.

At the moment, Parker's in a good mood. She's dating Jarod, no one's tried to kill her in a while, and her father is in Rio. So if you're a newbie? She won't go into Destroyer mode the second she meets you. Unless you want her to. In which case, contact me to set something up.

Parker and I have things in common, but the ones we *don't* have in common are more important. I am nowhere near the bitch she can be. I tend to get compulsive and way too organized, but I am neither rich enough nor obsessive enough to be able to play this game all the time. If she is not playing with you, it's because after several months in this game, I already have on-going storylines, existing character friendships, and limited time. Talking to me to set something up is your best bet for getting to play with my character. Shoot me an e-mail, or catch me on AIM (mparkerfh).
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