Outlander, Brad Pitt, Wicked, X3

May 29, 2006 00:41

First of all...author Diana Gabaldon (who wrote the "Outlander" series I'm obsessed with) will be at a book signing here in Toronto on June 10th. This is so exciting. I can't wait to meet her, I've been a fan of the series since I was about fifteen.:)For any fellow Torontonians out there who love these books as much as I do, you MUST go. lol ( Read more... )

wicked, brad pitt, diana gabaldon

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Comments 23

amelialourdes May 29 2006, 05:17:52 UTC
I'm terribly obsessed with Wicked. I do think that everyone should see it. Yes, it's very modern Broadway. It's "pop" Broadway that everyone in classic Broadway seems to hate because it's filled with tons of pop songs. But I think that it sends out a good message and it is awe-inspiring. As for performance, I say that it depends on the touring cast. Hopefully Toronto will get a good one! I hope I'll be able to see it again in the fall.


mozartfan1313 May 29 2006, 17:16:52 UTC
Thanks so much for your input. It's been here in Toronto before, albeit very briefly. I've heard mostly good things about, so I think I will see it.


themurcurytree May 29 2006, 06:01:53 UTC
didnt they name it shihlo? I had a rabbit named that once


mozartfan1313 May 29 2006, 17:17:11 UTC
Yeah, it is Shiloh...I just couldn't remember.


howdareyou May 29 2006, 06:55:40 UTC
I've heard a lot of good things from people on my list about Wicked. I plan on going for sure.

Where, oh, where was Nightcrawler? I adored Alan Cumming's portrayal in the second film, and POOF, he doesn't even make a cameo in this film. :(
THANK YOU! I loved that character and I thought for sure he would be back ( ... )


mozartfan1313 May 29 2006, 17:23:24 UTC
Supposedly the recent X-Men video game that came out gives clues as to what happened to Nightcrawler between the second and third movies, and why he's not in the final film. I don't play video games myself but I have a friend who plays quite obsessively so I hope he can give me an answer about that ( ... )


howdareyou May 29 2006, 22:47:41 UTC
I'm not buying that whole story that the two of them got together AFTER Jen, but I care about Jen Aniston about as much as I care about Brad and Angelina, so whatever will be will be I guess. I wish them all well and off my tv screen and off my movie screen as well.

I haven't like anything (all of them combined) have done since, well…Brad in 'Legends Of The Fall', Angelina in 'Girl Interrupted' and Jen…? I have yet to see her in anything worth seeing.

I actually thought the hype wasn't too bad about the baby. I still think Tom Cruise's daughter got far more publicity.
That's because you like Brad it didn't seem so bad, LOL! I agree about Tom, though. It was really awful, but then again you have Tom Cruise out prompting M3 and him, his craziness and big teeth wouldn't shut the hell up about her ( ... )


mozartfan1313 May 30 2006, 03:12:56 UTC
I don't believe Brad and Angelina hooked up after he divorced from Jennifer, either. I didn't mean to make it sound like I did. I loved Jennifer on friends, but personally think Brad is a better match with Angelina. He's always been into helping out around the world and having lot's of children and in that sense it didn't look like he was compatible with Jennifer.

That's a good point about me being a Brad fan so it probably won't bother me with all of their publicity. :) I think the news coverage on them is ridiculous too, but at least they aren't courting it...they are hoping to keep the papparazzi out of their way.


lea724 May 29 2006, 14:03:41 UTC
Ooh, I'm so jealous about you going to the book signing by Diana Gabaldon! She never comes anywhere near where I live. :(

They gave the baby a really pretty name, which I can no longer remember. Congrats to them! :)

Glad they finally had the baby and didn't name it Africa, like the rumor I had heard. Shiloh is her name.

As for Wicked, I saw it. I didn't love it when I saw it, but afterwards, I got the soundtrack and the more I listened to it, the more I began to enjoy it, so now I look back on it and remember it fondly.


mozartfan1313 May 29 2006, 17:26:20 UTC
YAY! Another "Outlander" fan! :) They are such fantastic books, I've actually re-read them quite a few times. What did you think of the latest novel? Where do you live? I thought you were from New York (because of all the plays you've seen).

I've heard mixed reviews about "Wicked". I've heard mostly good things but every now and then there's been a mediocre review. What did you not like about it? I'm still hesitant about whether or not I want to go because I don't know if it's my thing.


lea724 May 29 2006, 19:51:29 UTC
Re: Outlander. Yeah, I've read them (especially the first four, since when I got into them, those had all been printed, but I had to wait for #s 5 and 6) multiple times, too. As for the latest one, it wasn't my favorite, but that's mainly because I'm not into the whole political theme of them, and of course, they're becoming more and more political.

I live in Florida. I'm up in New York at least once a year, though, because I have close family there, so usually when I'm up there, I try and see some shows if I can.

Re: Wicked. I think what I didn't love about it was that it's not music that's catchy and Broadway-like, at least not at first, so it was hard to kind of enjoy it. During the show, the first time I kind of got excited by it was the act one finale, which is *awesome* (if you watch The Tony Awards, it was the song they performed at the awards).

What I'd recommend you do is check out the music and listen to it and if you like it, go see it!


mozartfan1313 May 29 2006, 22:36:08 UTC
The first four are my favourite as well. They are so easy to read over and over again. I actually liked the latest one better than "The Fiery Cross". I've learned about the American Revolution in school so I like all the political intrigue. I do miss the setting being in Scotland, though, which is why I'm glad that Jamie and Claire are going to return in the last installment.

As for "Wicked", that's actually a really great suggestion about listening to the music first. Do you know of a website where I can find some of the songs?


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mozartfan1313 May 29 2006, 22:37:34 UTC
I actually really enjoyed the film. It was little too short, I thought, but it was entertaining and full of action, which is what I wanted. :) I plan on seeing it again next weekend with my sister, so I'm curious to see if I will still feel the same the second time around.


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