Outlander, Brad Pitt, Wicked, X3

May 29, 2006 00:41

First of all...author Diana Gabaldon (who wrote the "Outlander" series I'm obsessed with) will be at a book signing here in Toronto on June 10th. This is so exciting. I can't wait to meet her, I've been a fan of the series since I was about fifteen.:)For any fellow Torontonians out there who love these books as much as I do, you MUST go. lol.

Second of all...Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie OFFICIALLY had their baby daughter on Saturday afternoon. lol. Disregard my last post because the news info I got was incorrect. They gave the baby a really pretty name, which I can no longer remember. Congrats to them! :)

Has anyone out there seen the Broadway play "Wicked"? It comes to the Canon Theatre here in Toronto in October, but the tickets are already on sale. I just wanted to know if it was actually as good as all the reviews are saying. I still don't know if I want to see it for sure so I need someone's opinion to make my decision final.

And, in other news. I saw "X-Men 3: The Last Stand" on Friday. See under the cut for a review. It does contain SPOILERS.

I'm a fan of the first two films, but not the actual comic books themselves, so I didn't go into the film worrying about whether or not justice was done to the original source. I found it very entertaining, albeit, too short.

1)I loved all the action sequences. I think the films have come a long way since the first one, in the special effects department. I felt that the first two films left much to be desired in the fighting sequences. Now, in this film, the last half is almost literally one long battle. We finally truly get a sense of all their powers and see how they use it against one another.

2)I thought the plot in this one was really engaging. Though some of the dialogue was laughable, I thought the idea of a "cure" for mutants was a really interesting way to go. It creates tension between those in the mutant community who want it, and those who feel threatened by it.

3)I liked the idea that the creator of the "cure" has a son who is a mutant (which is Angel). It really shows the idea of how parents want to closet their child should they ever be ashamed of them in any way.

4)Ian McKellan. He's just such a great actor and he makes Magneto so badass.

5)I thought Phoenix was really cool. She seemed really evil, it was weird seeing her as such a hateful and destructive force.

6)Ben Foster, the guy who plays Angel, is gorgeous. And I loved his wingspan. ;)

7)I thought Kelsey Grammar was great as Beast. It could have been a really goofy character, but he made him really caring and firm in his belief over mutant rights. I like how he joined forces with Xavier's followers.

8)I found it surprising and interesting that Mystique lost her powers. I actually felt bad for her because she was such a strong believer in mutant rights. The same goes for Magneto, although he might still have his.

9)I'm actually glad that Cyclops died. He irritated me. lol.

1)Where, oh, where was Nightcrawler? I adored Alan Cumming's portrayal in the second film, and POOF, he doesn't even make a cameo in this film. :(

2)I wish more time went into developing the interesting plot between Angel and his father. There could have been some real tension and emotion there, but it wasn't given enough screentime. They could have really made something out of that.

3)I didn't really like that Rogue cured herself, because now she's not an X-Man anymore. I mean, I could understand why she did it, because it's more of a curse than a blessing, but it's weird that she doesn't have it anymore.

4)Iceman and Pyro should have been given more time for their face-off with one another. Their fight ended too quickly.

5)Iceman and Shadowcat didn't need to flirt with one another. It was an unnecessary plot distraction.

wicked, brad pitt, diana gabaldon

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