Feb 19, 2008 17:34
Well, the last two periods of today were rather interesting. Fifth period there was geometry with Math Is Orgasmic!Substitute (who isn't as bad as Dos Pesos!Substitute, but almost), and we spent half the time talking about pretty much how awesome radicals are. (Which they aren't. Radicals = general death of the brain, but for some reason I'm understanding them better now than I did in Algebra 1.) Then there was Scripture, in which we worked on the Timeline of Death, which would be absolutely fine if we didn't have to look up all these dates of Roman emperors and when certain epistles were written, knowing that if one date is wrong, the grade is automatically an 80 of below. (But Mr. Brandt and Father Damien got into an argument over whether or not Paul would write a letter telling the Christians that they will burn in the fiery depths of hell, which was pretty amusing.)
*boggles* My file containing the "Final Fantasy VII" game script is multiplying. I thought I renamed "ffvii" as "ff7" after I changed it from .txt to Rich Text Format, but now I have two RTF files, one named "ff7" and the other named "ffvii," despite the fact that I thought I deleted "ffvii" not just into my Recycling Bin but completely off my computer about an hour ago. But now they're both there, and they're both the exact same file. Oh well, I suppose I will just have to delete one of them and hope it doesn't return. (I think I'm turning into Isabella. Eep!)
I can't wait for vacation, which I will spend a.) playing video games - Shaylagh and I are organizing a day in which we spend several hours doing just that b.) watching movies/DVDs and c.) burning off all my laziness with my regular crazy dance schedule. It should be a fun week. (Especially because I've commandeered "Kingdom Hearts II" and am now playing it on Proud Mode, which isn't too scary yet, but then again, I've only gotten up through the prologue in which you play as Roxas for three hours.)
Hmm. I think this entry was supposed to be more interesting, but I can't think of anything else that I want to put.