Nov 07, 2007 01:17
So at the present time ,most of my free time is being eat up by the midnight blue wool dress with2 bodices I hope to finish for a event in Dec. in PA..
And a friend of mine is haveing a baby and I hope to make her something for little Joe in time for the baby shower on the 18th.
I had high hopes of making a wool palotote to wear to PA but doubtfull that will happen and will end up wearing my green 1860s cape if it's warmer or my heavy wool cape with the hood, if it's colder. Theres no dance at the PA event so I wont need my ball gown. But I have 2 balls comeing up 1 in feb and 1 in march. Bought 25 yards of white muslin [ dont ,tisk tisk, me I only paid $ 12:50 for it. or abt. 50 cents a yard] in hopes to make a white ruffled ball gown with it., how many rows of ruffels is up in the air right now. Some where between 3 and 19[ ha ha]. $50 cents a yard actully makes it cheaper than the midnight blue wool that cost me 70cents a yard.