It's been a long, long, time

Oct 23, 2007 20:57

t's been a long long time... sence I posted  has'nt it. Been busy but with renactment season almost over...1 left to go before the new year. And ball season opening.. that rather sounds like i'll get shot by hunters...I hope to have more time to avatar is the 2 tiered sage green dress,I was working on. the ONLY pic I have of me in it and I didnt realize  I was as close to a bale of straw as I was and it's all tilted...just call me a Dixie Bell. I wish I had one with out the crochet cape but it was cold that day....and hasent been sence....75 degeres yesterday...rained all day today,but was still in the upper 60s. Am working on a blue wool dress to wear in Dec. to the last renactment of the year,in PA. Realy looking forward to that trip. Hope to attend 2 balls this year the ORMB and theres going to be one at 5 Oaks. I just bought the fabric for the dress...25 yards of white muslin....hopefully it will have rows & rows & rows of white ruffles.
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