costumes and stuff

Jun 11, 2007 11:18

Ginger is a tyrant... benevolent but still--- I should be grateful. She's making me a dress and I will look the part etc. but I had other plans for the afternoon tomorrow and they didn't include a trip to the cosume shop for a fitting. (Anyone ever been a bridesmaid? Ginger is a "Bridesilla" when it comes to her costumes...Nice enough about it but you go around in terror just the same 'cause you know that that redhair is not just for show!)
I hope I get the boot off so I can drive. I'm almost as afeared of James as I am of Ginger.... He thinks that 6 months of driving me around makes up for 16 years of driving him around Hah! Elizabeth had the same attitude in her day.
In other news (!) I have my own bathroom back. True, it's not painted and true it's not as nice as the kids bath (currently referred to as James' bath) but it's mine, all mine. I would not make it in a one bath house... I need a counter just for my damn pills! And I spread out.
Sometimes I wonder if I could live with another person again... well, yah I've got kids but that's not what I meant and you know it.....I sleep in the middle of the bed (and it's only full size not Queen or King), I want my own bathroom, I drop my books, half-read al over the house and expect to find them when I want them and I have no undestanding at all of how 2 people manage to share household bills and responsibilities.
So back to the bathroom. It's clean and pretty and the towels I bought to match the tile are linty!!!! Wah! I washed and washed them and shook them and there's little bitty pieces of blue everywhere!
I shall solace myself with the thought that there is at least room for a piece (small) of decor. Whoopee! I get to decorate a bathroom beyond matching the towels (lint!) to the tile!
Joy abounds.
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