
Jun 13, 2007 14:19

It's one of those days.
You know the kind...everyone else's life is more interesting than yours (mine). My daughter is feuding with an ex-boss-current-and future a-hole and was very stressed. 20 minutes later she's employed by a national non profit organization after having been head hunted by a recruter. Sounds very fabu and joie de vivre to me. I've never been recrited or head hunted.
My son has discovered a new game and while that doesn't thrill me he doesn't seem as discontented as I feel. I think he should but he doesn't show it.
One friend is being transferred to a job in an outlying area....it's sounds a mess with entrenched personalities and built in strum and drang but it's 10 minutes from home and away from the main office. She'll handle the backstabbing and put an end to the nastiness (she's that kind) and things will settle into comparative calm and she'll still be 10 minutes from home. And I'm out a partner for lunch and someone to get me through the multiple meetings that drag onandonandon.
The older you get the more difficult it is to make new friends....even if you only see them at work... I really don't know where I'll find so conviviable a companion (I read that in a book).
How do people make friends? My son and daughter count as friends the many people they've met on-line in games and chats andjournals./ I'm too old fashioned 'cause I like the face to face contacts and although I like many of the people I've met in LJ, are they friends? Aquaintances? Compadres---meaning peopl with similar intersts or buddies or what? Is a similar interest in Joss Whedon's ouvre sufficient for a friendship? or do I mean one thing by friend and you mean another?
Can we get together, over coffee, and talk this out?
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