(no subject)

May 28, 2007 10:55

The Connected but Hassled make up 10% of the American public.
I took the test.... and guess what? I am sort of connected and very hasseled! I hate being predictable.
Time to call my baby.. if she's home....
Basic Description
The Connected but Hassled do not much appreciate the information and communications assets they have acquired - and they have acquired a lot of them. Most (80%) have a home broadband connection and nearly all have a laptop or desktop computer that enable online access. 80% have cell phones. But many of them say they suffer from information overload, and very few find the extra availability ICTs offer to be a good thing.

Defining Characteristics
Information technology is anywhere from a burden to an irrelevance for the Connected but Hassled. Although most have high-speed internet connections at home, few take advantage of applications that benefit from it - such as downloading video, music, or viewing TV shows on a home computer. Just 18% like the fact that ICTs make them more available to others - less than half the average. More than half see technology either making no difference or offering them less control over how they conduct their lives.

Who They Are
The typical member of this group is 46 years old and has been online for about 7 years. She - and 59% of this group is women - is well-educated and above average in terms of household income. The group is predominantly white (80%) and its workforce participation rate matches the national average.
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