
May 04, 2007 16:08

I am going to develope a fetish. I keep messing up my feet/foot. It's not enough to be diabetic and have neuropothy... no I burn boiling bacon grease on it, have skin grafts and not I've managed to break 2 of the inner bones (cracked the other one) without breaking or cracking the outer ones..on either side of the foot, I also bruised the toes. I don't think I ever even contemplated the possibility of bruising my toes before this.
In fact, I'm pretty sure that the entire concept of "bruised toes" never entered my mind.
Now, sadly, I'm fascinated.
It's not as tho I have long elegant toes -- the kind that get painted drop dead red and shown off in sandels... mine are short, nasty little srunched up ones---hammer toes, I think is what they're called. Normally I accept them... after all you need them to walk and balance and stuff but I'm not very interested in them. At the moment, however, I find them fascinating.They're that awful grey-green bruises get when they're healing--- at the very end near the nails... not anywhere near the breaks in the long(ish) bones which are the broken parts. It's like I have two "owies"...broken bones and bruised toes and they have no connection. But that's not possible.
So I stare at them...when the walking boot is off and am sorely tempted to wiggle them...but the emphasis is on the sorely part--- they do not want to wiggle! And admire the changing color and wonder if it will ever go away or if they will always look like they died 2 weeks ago and will fall off at any time now... Euww!
All I really want is for them and the rest of my foot to fit into a 1930's style pump for the play that opens June 14th. Please!
Time to go...
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