I forgot to weigh myself this morning, but any loss would have been water weight anyway.
Stats: BP 108/70, pulse 71.
So yesterday I ate about ⅓ head of lettuce as well as pills and 2 teaspoons of coconut oil
Today I got really, really tired of the whole thing and in addition to lettuce and coconut oil for breakfast and for dinner, I added a mini
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Being diabetic means that your pH tends to be acidic. Being acidic will cause pain, depending on circumstances. You probably could figure out a diet that would meet your needs but reduce your acidity. The only way to accurately measure your day-to-day acidity is by using pH strips on your urine first thing in the morning.
I got into this mess by being too acidic (which sugar causes) for years and ignoring it, and the body compensates by dissolving bone. (It isn't really that simple, but it's close.) My primary pain is caused by my osteoarthritis, which resulted in my hip replacements. More specifically, I'm getting osteoporosis all over my body whenever I go off my diet and start eating sugar again.
Currently, I was getting spinal stenosis (osteoporosis) and the doctor sent me to a chiropractor. That was back in June. I haven't had any back pain since then (thank TPTB), but in pulling out my back the chiropractor pulled my prosthetic hip post away from the leg bone. I knew it was happening, but figured that my back was more important, so didn't say anything to him. But since I've been eating way too much sweet all summer, it hasn't healed up again, and in fact at one point got an abscess under it. Now that's pain! But it's a lot better than it was. The worst is when I get out of bed in the morning, because I can't do it without pulling on the leg muscles.
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