Spuffy long stories, WIPs:
For Want of A Back Porch by
gryfndor_godesshttp://gryfndor-godess.livejournal.com/72632.htmlPG. Completed, ~21,000 words. Post-season 8. Spike's occasional visits are all about business, aren't they? :) Gryfndor_godess focuses on Buffy and Spike's tentative, small steps towards each other; her story is poignant, funny, with outrageous breaks through the fourth wall.
Embers by
Coalitiongirl http://coalitiongirl.livejournal.com/tag/embersPG-13. WIP, 4 chapters so far. Post-season 8. Buffy investigates a strange phenomenon - vampires with unusual bite marks on their necks - bites they don't remember getting. Spike and Illyria help her - well, Illyria, not so much. Coalitiongirl nails current dynamics between Buffy and Spike perfectly as they try to sort out the hurt and confusion of Buffy's actions in season 8.
Every Time You Say Good-bye by
Slaymesoftlyhttp://slaymesoftly.livejournal.com/414499.htmlPG. WIP, 5 chapters so far. Post season 8. As Buffy and Spike patrol streets of San Francisco, they try to figure out if they're just friends... or friends with benefits. So far, the story sounds like an interesting character study; the parallel between Spike's feelings in season 8 and Buffy's feelings in "Entropy" offers a new spin on their current dynamic.
Marking Time by
Annapurna_2http://www.livejournal.com/tools/memories.bml?user=annapurna_2&keyword=Marking%20Time%20--%20Spuffy%20Kinkathon%20%28WIP%29&filter=allPG-13. Post-TV series.WIP, started in 2005. 22 chapters so far (almost completed). Buffy gets a mysterious summons from Giles that takes her to his estate in England. There, she finds Spike who, along with Illyria, was teleported out of the NFA alley in the midst of the big battle. Only hitch is, he’s in an unexplained comatose state, which may or may not have something to do with the infamous Shanshu prophecy... Ingenious plotting, full of unexpected twists; hard dilemmas and consequences; great character voices.
Like Mice in a Cornfield by
denny_dchttp://www.livejournal.com/tools/memories.bml?user=denny_dc&keyword=Like%20Mice%20in%20a%20Cornfield%20by%20Denny&filter=allCompleted. ~11,000 words. Future!Fic, R. 70 year into the post-apocalyptic future, Spike works in police department and still dreams about Buffy. One night he meets in a bar vampire Buffy who doesn't recognize him, and the next day he discovers that she's his new partner... It starts as an AU, but it's not an AU. The story was started in 2008, pre-Dollhouse, but explores similar concepts mindgames, different identities vs basic personalities. Sad, poignant, hallucinatory drama with a bleak ending.
After the Deluge by
Gillohttp://gillo.livejournal.com/tag/after%20the%20delugeWIP, 14 chapters so far. Spuffy-friendly ensemble story. Post-NFA, R. As Spike struggles in LA against newly-risen The First Evil, Buffy find out about him being alive. What starts as a regular reunion story slowly turns into an intriguing adventure story with new apocalypse looming on the horizon since 2000... Author handled ensemble cast expertly; her Buffy is a standout.
The Girl with Flaxen Hair by
Unbridled_Bhttp://unbridled-b.livejournal.com/tag/the%20girl%20with%20flaxen%20hairR, WIP, 10 chapters so far. After his mother's death William Pratt lives a quiet life alone. He suffers from consumption and knows that his days are numbered. One day he overdoses laudanum and sees a beautiful girl in his garden. Her clothes are unusual; her behavior is weird; her name is Buffy Summers. William is sure that she's just a figment of his imagination so he's relaxed and comfortable around her... Intriguing premise, expertly written William's POV and great details of the Victorian age make this story a total winner.
Someone Blue by
Dorians_Kittenhttp://dorians-kitten.livejournal.com/44884.htmlWIP, R, Post-Something Blue. 11 chapters so far. Willow's spell is broken, everybody returned to their normal selves... except Spike. What whould Buffy do with a lovesick vampire?
Best Intentions by
diamondtook862http://diamondtook862.livejournal.com/tag/best%20intentionshttp://www.livejournal.com/tools/memories.bml?user=diamondtook862&keyword=Best%20Intentions&filter=allPG-13. WIP, 8 chapters so far. Post Dead Things. Willow accidentally spots Buffy with Spike. Buffy confesses about her relationship and promises to stop it. But it's a promise she can't keep.
Unkempt by
Chalkyhandshttp://chalkyhands.livejournal.com/tag/unkeptR. WIP, 14 chapters so far. Post-Chosen. Buffy and Spike have a hopeful reunion in the midst of a mission. They depart with the promise of a future of some sort together. However, hope turns to dismay when Buffy receives word of Spike's sudden death. Well-written but extremely dark and unsettling story. Warning: violence, torture.
One Love, One Life by Alexannah
http://www.bloodshedverse.com/stories.php?go=chapters&no=11639 WIP, 2 chapters so far. PG-13, post-series. Crossover with Dr.Who (Post-Runaway Bride) Buffy cannot resist hitching a ride to the 1800s to see Spike when he was just William. But can the Doctor stop her from changing history?
Spuffy one-shots:
His Majesty, the Bug Queen by
Angeariahttp://angearia.livejournal.com/214456.htmlPG. Post-season 8. Spike, Dawn, Buffy. Spike's crew stirs up a mutiny...
(A Different Kind of) Smashed by
gryfndor_godesshttp://community.livejournal.com/sb_fag_ends/45004.htmlPG-13, season 6. Drunk Spike muses on his relationship with Buffy.
I’m Losing My Head by
Gillohttp://gillo.livejournal.com/366631.htmlSeason 5. "What he really needed was a girl like Buffy, but nice."
Where No Slayer Has Boldly Gone Before by
Shapinglight http://community.livejournal.com/sb_fag_ends/44417.htmlPG. Drabble. Post-series. Does teleportation make Slayers horny?
Alternate Realities by
Brutti_ma_buonihttp://community.livejournal.com/sb_fag_ends/44742.htmlPG. Buffy and Spike in the "Firefly" future.
Paradox by
Shapinglighthttp://community.livejournal.com/sb_fag_ends/43550.htmlG. Drabble. During "Touched". Subtle and poignant.
Mortage Crisis, by
annapurna_2http://annapurna-2.livejournal.com/37915.htmlPG, AU post-Tabula Rasa. Joan and Randy try to get a mortgage... Fun!
Unexpected Reunion by
anviloverheavenhttp://anviloverheaven.livejournal.com/1245.htmlPG. Post-TV series. Some people change - but Buffy and Spike aren't among them... :)
The Perfect Gift by
angelus2hot http://community.livejournal.com/still_grrr/915663.htmlPG. Spike tries to find a Valentine gift for Buffy. Lovely bittersweet ficlet.
Mementos by
hello_spikeyhttp://hello-spikey.livejournal.com/101734.htmlPG. Four moments in Spike and Buffy's life through seasons; moments, marked by four objects they both cherish.
Rosetta by
brutti_ma_buonihttp://community.livejournal.com/sb_fag_ends/43037.htmlPG. End of season 5. "Buffy is his translator, evil to good, vampire to humanity. Through her, he reads the world differently to in Spike-view, like a parallel text".
Muted by
annapurna_2http://annapurna-2.livejournal.com/37234.htmlPG-13. Post-TVseries. Shanshued Spike died in a fight. Buffy grieves. But the thing with Spike is that he always comes back... Beautiful, poignant story has an interesting take on the soul dilemma.
Once Upon A Land Before Time by
gryfndor_godesshttp://community.livejournal.com/sb_fag_ends/42874.htmlG. After penguin!Spuffy, now we've got dinosaur!Spuffy! Crack!fic.
Buffy's Cross from Angel by
Hello_Spikeyhttp://community.livejournal.com/sb_fag_ends/42439.htmlPG. Season 6. "He could be a highway sign: Insecurity Next 500 Years".
What the Heart Wants by
dorians_kittenhttp://dorians-kitten.livejournal.com/49449.htmlPG. Post-season 8. “I just figured you needed a new Watcher, love.”
Box of Photographs by
hello_spikeyhttp://community.livejournal.com/sb_fag_ends/42184.htmlG. Post-Crush. Perusing Spike's "shrine" Buffy discovers pics she wasn't supposed to see.
The Sound of the Universe Coming Back by
istne_pieklohttp://istne-pieklo.livejournal.com/86675.htmlPG. Post-series, post "Angel: After the Fall" comics. Spike meets Buffy in a bar. Lovely bittersweet scene.
Lock of Hair by
hello_spikeyhttp://community.livejournal.com/sb_fag_ends/41870.htmlG, drabble, post-Chosen. Buffy finds a lock of Spike's hair. Angsty.
Slayer Mask by
Angeariahttp://angearia.livejournal.com/210408.htmlPG. Drabble. Buffy. "She's been rolling in dirt for so long (endless years of endless nights) that nowadays she forgets to cough up the grave-dust."
beer_good_foamyhttp://beer-good-foamy.livejournal.com/153659.htmlPG. Buffy/Spike drabble. "Three apocalypses in one week? I'm too old for this."
Can't Help But by
brutti_ma_buoni http://community.livejournal.com/still_grrr/913175.htmlPG, post-Chosen. Buffy talks about Spike with her therapist. Sad yet ultimately uplifling.
Bruise Blue Ink. by
Quinarahttp://community.livejournal.com/sb_fag_ends/40892.htmlPG-13. Season 6. Buffy finds out that Spike writes poetry about her... Pure angst.
Taking It Slow by
Penny_lane_42http://penny-lane-42.livejournal.com/193162.htmlPG, Buffy and Spike, post-season 8. "She doesn’t want to mess this up. Slowly, she reminds herself. A step at a time. It’s a new thing she’s trying." Adorable story; no, make it "adorkable".
The Slayer's Vampire Tryst by
snickfichttp://snickfic.livejournal.com/144283.htmlPG-13, BtVS season 5. “I need you to help me save the world,” she said. “Again. It’s a vampire/Slayer... thing. [...] The Slayer and a vampire have to sit in some cave all night -- or stand, I guess, or lie down, or whatever--and tell each other the truth.”
Presents by
Cindergal http://cindergal.livejournal.com/402767.htmlG. Season 7. Buffy and Spike plan for Dawn's birthday
Cramped Accommodations by
skybound2http://skybound2.livejournal.com/345241.htmlPG, early season 5. Buffy and Spike find themselves inside the same coffin... :)
Little Bit Lower by
gryfndor_godesshttp://community.livejournal.com/sb_fag_ends/38965.htmlPG, Future!fic. Buffy is pregnant; Spike tries to make her comfortable. Adorable.
Inescapable by
gryfndor_godesshttp://gryfndor-godess.livejournal.com/70394.htmlR, During "Him", a missing scene: Spike and Xander has to stop Buffy from using her bazooka.
Stained by
readerjanehttp://community.livejournal.com/sb_fag_ends/38883.htmlPG, season 6. "Climb out of your grave. Fight. Want. Live, live, live."
Oh So Pretty by
spikesdebhttp://community.livejournal.com/sb_fag_ends/38525.htmlG, Buffy and Spike's first encounter in School Hard, Spike's POV.
Inhuman by
Coalitiongirlhttp://coalitiongirl.livejournal.com/122870.htmlPG-13, alternate season 8, gen, with small Spuffy moments.
Monument by
Rahirah (BarbC)
http://rahirah.dreamwidth.org/467323.htmlPG. Drabble. 100-words-gem.
A Sodding Christmas by
Gillohttp://community.livejournal.com/fantas_magoria/244456.htmlG, season 6. Dawn needs Spike's help to celebrate Christmas in Casa Summers...
Another Sodding Christmas by
Gillohttp://gillo.livejournal.com/354171.htmlPG-13, season 7, Buffy/Spike. Spike is saved from The First - but can he be saved from himself?
Christmas Love by
Maryperk73703http://community.livejournal.com/noel_of_spike/148909.htmlR, season 5. Sent to retrieve a weapon to help in the fight with Glory, Spike and Buffy consummate their relationship.
Prince William and Princess Buttercup by
litheranhttp://community.livejournal.com/noel_of_spike/147752.htmlG. Pre-series. Buffy/Spike implied. Spike's looking for a Christmas gift for Dru; but instead he finds his future. Charming Christmas story.
Rassling on the Night Before Christmas by
dragonyphoenixhttp://dragonyphoenix.livejournal.com/88208.htmlPG. Drabble. Buffy/Spike, season 6.
Pieces of a Picture by
MyOtherNamehttp://www.bloodshedverse.com/stories.php?go=read&no=12464PG-13. Post-Something Blue. Buffy discovers that she's pregnant...
Aftertaste by
Readerjanehttp://community.livejournal.com/sb_fag_ends/32063.htmlPG-13, fluffy season 6. Hangover is a bitch.
Phantasms by
readerjanehttp://community.livejournal.com/sb_fag_ends/30506.htmlR. Season 7, during Showtime. "It was Christmas tonight, he decided." Powerful, gripping story with a neat twist.
Please Forgive Me So I Can Lose the Ears by
dragonyphoenixhttp://dragonyphoenix.livejournal.com/82891.htmlPost-Chosen. PG. What should Spike do to deserve Buffy's forgiveness for not calling her? Christmas fluff.
I Would Have Kissed You by
gryfndor_godesshttp://community.livejournal.com/sb_fag_ends/30123.htmlG, season 7. Buffy has to find Spike before Christmas so she could kiss him under mistletoe. Sweet, hopeful and elegantly written. Great insight into Buffy's mind.
Seeing You by
Slaymesoftlyhttp://slaymesoftly.livejournal.com/399308.htmlPG. A rewrite of “Seeing Red” - Buffy/Spike in bathroom - begins with a line from the show and goes AU from there. A softer, nicer version of the tale.
The Longest Journey by
dampersnspoons http://dampersnspoons.livejournal.com/111289.htmlR. 7300 words. The year is 2010 and Buffy is on the run from The New Council. She has no idea that Spike tries to find her... Beautiful reunion fic.
A New Koan by
Brutti_m_buonihttp://community.livejournal.com/sb_fag_ends/28064.htmlG. Buffy and Spike plan their vacation!
Came Dancing to My Door by
quinarahttp://quinara.livejournal.com/150631.htmlR, post-Chosen. Buffy isn't sure she wants a baby. In fact, she's fairly certain she doesn't.
Convalescence by
readerjanehttp://community.livejournal.com/sb_fag_ends/27512.htmlPG. Timeline unclear, apparently a fluffy version of season 6. Buffy has a flu and Spike, the only one immune to germs, has to look after her. Adorable.
Tooth and Nail by
readerjanehttp://community.livejournal.com/sb_fag_ends/26865.htmlPG-13. Spuffy Christmas shopping
Other characters and pairings:
Finders, Keepers by
Hello_Spikeyhttp://www.livejournal.com/tools/memories.bml?user=hello_spikey&keyword=Finders%20Keepers&filter=allR, Completed, middle of season 6. Spike is abducted by slave traders, Buffy tries to find him, but it's Angel who discovers him first. Dark, dramatic exploration of dynamics between Spike, Angel and Buffy.
Seeing Is His Superpower by
Shadowscasthttp://shadowscast.livejournal.com/109395.htmlPG-13, post-Chosen. Spike/Xander. Xander finds Spike's amulet in the wreckage of Sunnydale. When he picks it up, Xander becomes the only person in the world who can see and hear ghost!Spike. Perfect blend of fun and angst, the story re-imagines Xander's ability "to see" in a new light.
The Watcher's Council Wellness Retreat by
gabrielleabellehttp://gabrielleabelle.livejournal.com/290169.htmlPG. Season 6. After Willow's memory spell in Tabula Rasa, Giles decides to pack the gang up and send them to a psychiatric retreat. Comedy gold.
If I Was by
a2zmomhttp://a2zmom.livejournal.com/385735.htmlPG. Ten years after the events of Buffy Season 8, issue 40. Angel thinks he's irredeemable... is he?
Girls Do Make Passes by
a2zmomhttp://a2zmom.livejournal.com/383661.htmlG. Post-series. Buffy/Angel fluff. Angel/his hair --> OTP!
Eight Times Angel Was Lost by
a2zmomhttp://a2zmom.livejournal.com/379305.htmlG, Angel's journey in 8 drabbles: 1 drabble per season.
Christmastime by
Coalitiongirlhttp://coalitiongirl.livejournal.com/120681.htmlG, season 8, post#39, Buffy/Angel.
Haven’t Seen Your Face For A While by
Rebcakehttp://community.livejournal.com/fantas_magoria/249147.htmlPG. Season 4. Harmony gets used to being a vampire. Unexpectedly poignant, albeit funny.
Not So Bleak Midwinter by
Brutti_ma_buonihttp://community.livejournal.com/fantas_magoria/242901.htmlPG. Season 4. Written for "Drunken Giles" ficathon.
Don’t You Want To Be Happy? by
elisihttp://elisi.livejournal.com/598739.htmlPG-13. Buffy/Angel, alternate season 8. Mostly crack.
First Christmas by
Samsomhttp://community.livejournal.com/fantas_magoria/245495.htmlAtS season 1. Cordelia tries to brighten Angel Investigations.
What Big Teeth, Grandmother by
Samsomhttp://community.livejournal.com/fantas_magoria/246598.html#cutid1R, AtS season 1. Angel, Angelus and Cordelia. Synthetic happiness turns A into Aus temporarily... Effectively chilling.
Take My Hand by
Samsomhttp://community.livejournal.com/fantas_magoria/257262.htmlG. Angel/Cordelia through 5 seasons of "Angel".
A Witness To See The Mess I've Made by
ohwaluvusbab http://community.livejournal.com/winter_of_faith/8170.htmlPG-13, AtS season 4. Faith/Wesley, Faith's POV.
Vacation Spot by
Leni_BAhttp://community.livejournal.com/kitteninthedark/190905.htmlPost-series. Buffy and Willow plan vacation while evil lurks in the shadows.
Faith/Angel Fic by
salvage_5x5 http://salvage-5x5.livejournal.com/10664.htmlPG, season 8, post#39. A forecast of sort.
Before the Court by
deird1http://deird1.dreamwidth.org/73832.htmlPG. Post-series. Dawn is Spike's staunchest defender. :)
A Mother's Heart by
wawawenchhttp://community.livejournal.com/buffyfaith/186990.htmlPG-13. Season 3. Buffy, Joyce, Faith.
Let Them Break Her Hold On Me by
Landrewshttp://landrews.livejournal.com/51032.htmlNC-17. Angel/Cordelia, Angel/Buffy.
Strange, Charm, Peppermint (Or, Just a Jump to the Left) by
Brutti_ma_buonihttp://brutti-ma-buoni.livejournal.com/156521.html#cutid1PG-13. BtVS s6/AtS s3. Cordelia finds herself in a very strange universe... Cracktastic.
Elegy in Six Voices by
snickfichttp://snickfic.livejournal.com/153358.htmlPG. "Angel" s3. Angel's team mourn Darla.
A Well Respected Man About Town by
rebcakehttp://rebcake.livejournal.com/32745.htmlPG. Post- Band Candy. Ethan celebrates his latest success on the Hellmouth.
What A Hairy Nose You Have, Grandmother by
brutti_ma_buonihttp://community.livejournal.com/still_grrr/916365.htmlPG, Anya/Xander. Fairy tales have consequences in Sunnydale...
Buffybot's Great Adventure by
amyxaphaniahttp://amyxaphania.livejournal.com/242490.htmlPG-13, post-The Gift. When Willow sends the Buffybot on a slaying mission, you know things aren't going to turn out well...
Demon Hunters, Inc. by
enigmaticbluehttp://enigmatic-blue.livejournal.com/178555.htmlAtS, AU post-season 4. Wesley/Faith. Wesley runs a detective agency; Faith comes to visit him.
The Lie by
Delta_maihttp://delta-mai.livejournal.com/72570.htmlR, post-Chosen, Wesley/Faith. Faith visists Wesley to scratch an itch, to get him out of her head, to satisfy her need. But what happens means more than either would like to admit.
Campfire Story by
Readerjanehttp://community.livejournal.com/sb_fag_ends/34081.htmlMiddle of season 4, Spike spends Christmas at Xander's... tied up to a tree. (No, it's what you think, pervs! :)
The Christmas Tree Fairy by
shapinglighthttp://shapinglight.livejournal.com/1028485.htmlComplete and utter crack about Spike as a wee little fairy with wings. :)
Second Thoughts by
Brutti_ma_buonihttp://community.livejournal.com/sb_fag_ends/33764.htmlPG. During Amends. Spike is confused by the weather
Whisper by
ares132006http://ares132006.livejournal.com/39194.htmlPG, post-series. Buffy/Angel. Dinner out with the boyfriend is never ordinary.
Caught by
leni_bahttp://community.livejournal.com/kitteninthedark/199876.html R, post-series. Spike/Dawn, Buffy/Angel. Spike and drunken Dawn hide in Buffy's closet. Hijinks ensue...
His First Priority by
angelus2hothttp://community.livejournal.com/still_grrr/906300.htmlPG, Gunn/Fred, Lorne.
Taking Care of Business by
Brutti_ma_buonihttp://brutti-ma-buoni.livejournal.com/142894.htmlR. Post-NFA. Wesley, Faith, Illyria.
Over Lunch by
deird1http://deird1.dreamwidth.org/51298.html?#cutid1PG, season 2. Cordelia tries to squash gossip about Buffy Summers.
Faith Lehane's Great Big List Of Apologies by
Salvage_5x5http://community.livejournal.com/facets_of_faith/242393.htmlPG-13, during season 8.
Oldies are goldies:
Boomerang by Shadowlass
http://www.allaboutspike.com/fic.html?id=1064PG-13, alternate ending of "The Yoko Factor". Buffy/Spike.
Foreplay by Electrcspacegrl
http://esg-novel.livejournal.com/5777.htmlPG, season 7. Buffy, Angel and secrets from the past. Great twist, very Jossian. Written in 2003.