I forgot my mink!

Jun 02, 2010 13:32

1. We have been so slow with femslash10, but it is totally happening. We have a poll! Go let us know which fandoms should be on the list. You can vote even if you're not a writer or don't plan to participate.

2. Movies I am surprised to have enjoyed: The Reader and Frost/Nixon. I love masterful acting, and holy cow Kate Winslet, holy cow Frank Langella. I love it when worthy, serious Oscar movies are actually thought-provoking, even if neither of these does anything new, per se. Although The Reader did make me not hate a Holocaust movie. On the other end of the spectrum, HBO is periodically running a documentary on Larry Bird and Magic Johnson, which is fantastic, and really enlightening from the perspective of having been a big basketball fan (okay, Michael Jordan fan) when they were playing.

3. Look! It is Ben Agosto being adorable. And more of that. And Meryl and Charlie being adorable. It's an explosion of ice dance adorableness.

4. If you are awake and in the fandom, you already know about this, but cjmarlowe's More Things in Heaven and Earth, which is novella-length Kris Allen/Cale Mills, has taken over my life.

5. Speaking of things that take over my life, SYTYCD! Even though I am bitter about the whole all-"stars" thing, I am a roly poly ball of squee. I don't miss Mary Murphy and adore Adam Shankman & Mia Michaels's fruit and fly routine - hope they keep Nigel rolling his eyes all season. My favorite dancer from the first day of auditions was Teddy Tedholm, who was one of my favorite dancers from last season. He's the kind of dancer I always like, with the tremendous body control and the propensity for small, jerky movements that contrast with big, clean lines. And totally dorky in the right way. I mean just look at him. Other favorites were Edward Spots, who dances like a female ice skater in the best possible way, and Jose Ruiz, who has a sweet little face and is possibly the best breaker I have ever seen. I do not understand how they are only going to pick five boys for this. OTOH, I am sad and upset to have forgotten all of the female dancers who auditioned in New York and Miami.

skating, american idol, movies, femslash10, sytycd, recs

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