Quixotic, thoughtful, silly, indescribable.

Jun 05, 2010 22:01

I wish I had a more substantive update, but I'm just in the middle of stuff. The skating superhero fic is in beta. I'm about halfway through making a new mood theme, since I made my old mood theme in 2006. I am reading about 300 pages a day and... not writing nearly that much. I cleaned up my bookshelf today - put away the new books in their right places - and cried a little, because there is so much I want to read and never enough time. And basically all I get to read right now is work stuff, much of which is interesting, and much of which is infuriating enough to make me want to write things and fix it. I suppose it is good to have motivation.

You might have heard this already, but the Femslash Ficathon is having a poll, and we want you to vote in it!

I stepped down as co-moderator of breathe_poetry. I've been doing it since the comm began, and I've just run out of steam. I'd rather it be in the hands of people who are enthusiastic about seeking out and posting good new poetry. I adore the comm and think my co-mods are fabulous, dedicated people with great taste. I'm looking forward to being "just a reader."

I'm watching Julie and Julia. (I often watch recorded movies like books - I pause in the middle and savor them over a whole day.) Meryl Streep reminds me so much of my late grandmother; it's haunting.

For those of you keeping tabs on the Canadian Adultery Tango, Jamie Sale and David Pelletier are getting a divorce.

In other news of the dodgy and skating-adjacent, Aunt Joyce deleted his blog and Formspring. They are gone and will not be coming back. He says it was for personal reasons, and I believe him: he was getting hounded for some of his comments on the Williams sisters, about his sexuality, etc. Here is his new Formspring, and here is the new blog. Play nice, because next time he'll take away your ice cream for good.

In conclusion,
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I love you, Evan Bates,
And my tinhat says Ryan Bradley does too.

skating, movies

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