Waiting for my sinuses to get the memo.

Jan 05, 2010 00:15

I feel like I should do a Year in Fic roundup thingy, except that my year has been so ridiculous and stupid, I've hardly written anything. I fell in love with a shiny new fandom and had no time to write in it. Perhaps, in the words of the late great Harlem Shakes, this will be a better yeeeaaaaar. Certainly at the very least, this will be a year in which I read my friendslist ever.

And then I was going to post kradam_kiss ficlets, but there's one or two more I really want to get done before I do that. And also Jeremy Abbott keeps tweeting stuff that makes me need to write porn about him. Life is hard, you guys.

So have a meme.

Ask me one fandom-related question in the comments. This can be fandom specific, general, or about fandom/lj stuff/fic writing/etc. in general.

Just one question, please, but it can (and perhaps should) have sub-parts.

Question can be as wacky as you want. Ask me about tv shows, characters, fanfic in general, fandom issues/meta, anything about any of my stories specifically. Whatever you want.


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