One sparkle at a time.

Jan 02, 2010 15:24

OMFG, I got my aiholidaybash fic, and it was so worth the wait I cannot even say. It's Kris/Adam/Katy, and it's sexy and sweet and awkward and completely gorgeous and true to the characters, seriously one of the best things I've read in the fandom and it's for me. It's called Three In a Row, X's and O's, and it's by shetiger, and you should read it.

I have been, like, mainlining the show Greek since I impulse-bought the first season DVDs with my Hanukkah gelt, and I am so obsessed. And afraid to get into detail about why I'm obsessed because it's very tied up in representations of race, sexual orientation, and religion, and we know how fandom gets about that shit. But this is, like, the only college-set show I've ever seen where the characters act like my students, and one of the few shows that's focused on the pretty and popular without either condemning or worshiping them. Just treating them as people. Cal is unsurprisingly my gay boyfriend, but often through his BFFship with Ashleigh, whose nuanced, slightly sad sidekick identity is fascinating because it creeps up on you and because you can tell she's never thought she was all that special. Cappie is adorable and kind of Miltonic (which he knows, because he was totally an English major for a while) and reminds me of this dude I used to sort-of-date. The show is not, you know, fine art, but it is good teen drama and it hits my kinks and I have two more seasons in the mail that I have not seen so don't spoil me.

Icon is in honor of certain men's figure skaters who were up all night tweeting every fifteen minutes and cracking me the hell up.

american idol, greek the show, recs

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