
Nov 12, 2010 11:48

Missed all of last night's TV because we were down in Boston with a friend and one of H's employees watching our beloved Habs beat the Bruins 3-1. Very satisfying! Boston fans are quite mouthy before the games - and after, if the Bruins win - but when Montreal beats them, they get downright quiet afterward (by drunk Boston dude standards). Heh. Anyway, as a woman in a tight, pink Canadiens T-shirt, people aren't such asses to me as they are to my Habs-jersey-clad male companions, although I'm just as rabid a Montreal fan as they are.

Let me guess: On The Vampire Diaries, no one killed Damon last night, especially not Caroline, the one I'd most love to see do the deed. Sigh. If TPTB thought that single emo tear was going to make me want anything other than Damon even more dead, they've got another think coming.

Now three weeks behind on Nikita. I do mean to catch up on it, and I don't really know how I let myself get so behind, even with NaNoWriMo going on. It actually fits my NaNo novel well enough, since the canon character in my novel is someone who was kidnapped as a five-year-old and brainwashed, trained, and twisted into an obedient assassin, then epically screwed over, in ways that make Nikita's life look like sunshine and rainbows and puppies. Michael? Not exactly Darth Vader. Now I need to write "Nikita and Starkiller one-up each other about how much their lives suck over a bottle of whiskey" fic.

Got nothing written yesterday due to all those hours in the car/at an NHL game, but since I was at 19,406 when I went to bed on Wednesday night, I'll be fine, even though I have another hours-away hockey game to attend this weekend. AHL this time, not NHL.

(This entry was originally posted at my dreamwidth.)

the force unleashed, hockey, nanowrimo, the vampire diaries, tv, star wars, nikita

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