Allowed H to talk me into losing two entire days of NaNoWriMo Week Two to hockey and long hours in the car, and now he's given me his cold. Hmph. I manage not to catch the vast majority of the ailments his employees with children pass around his workplace all winter, which he then brings home, but this virus got me and I'm feeling cranky about it.
So now I have to get back into the swing of my novel with a nose I can't breathe through and a throat that feels as if it has been sandpapered. I am also working on a post for the "woman you would take with you into a fight" theme on
awesome_women, which ends on Tuesday, so I can't put that off forever.
I haven't vacuumed the downstairs of my house since NaNoWriMo started, and I have long hair, two double-coated dogs, and a long-haired cat, so things are getting seriously out of hand. Must do it tomorrow. That's what I've been saying for the past week and more, but I really, really need to do it tomorrow this time before the patterns on the area rugs are completely obscured by white dog hair.
I should be writing. As long as I'm writing, I can justify letting the house go to rack and ruin.
(This entry was originally posted at
my dreamwidth.)