TV Meme from herowlness

Mar 10, 2007 18:17

A supernatural glitch in your DVR occurs. At first you panic, hitting lots of random buttons on your remote control, but then are RELIEVED to discover that no, your entire series recording of Golden Girls has not been deleted! But then, just as things appear to be back to normal, there's a puff of smoke, and a fairy appears! You have apparently freed the TV fairy from a televised hell in which she was made to watch endless reruns of Are You Hot?, and as fairies tend to be when freed, she is very grateful and wants to grant you magic wishes.

Now, the fairy has only TV-related powerz, and so she offers you the chance to go back in time and retroactively CHANGE the history of your favorite TV shows with 3.5 wishes!

You can go back in time and erase from the fabric of TV history THREE individual episodes of any TV show you want! The rest of the series(es) will not be altered. What do you choose?

1) Battlestar Galactica "The Woman King" (aka "Saint Helo the Righteous and Infallible Saves Undeserving Humanity from Its Many and Grievous Sins")

2) Battlestar Galactica "Black Market" (Lee Adama's angst iz pastede on yay!)

3) Farscape "Jeremiah Crichton" (The beard. The costumes. SWEET JESUS, THE BEARD.)

You can go back in time and revive ONE unfairly cancelled television show and return it to the annals of TV history!* *CHOOSE WISELY, because if you attempt to revive more than one show, the wish will backfire and you'll instead be treated to a whole bunch of crappy made-for-TV "reunion" movies full of replacement actors.

What else but Farscape! I Netflixed it well after it had been canceled, which is probably for the best because the agony of cancellation would have destroyed me.

To balance out the historical TV viewing schedule, you now have the power to retroactively CANCEL, at any point during the series, any one show! Alternately, you can wield your destructive might and DELETE one whole entire series from ever having been made.

Battlestar Galactica after 2.07 "Home, Part II," to spare the universe the tragic descent into the BLACK HOLE OF SUCK that came later. I don't really mean that. Or do I? *is torn*

LIFE AND DEATH! You can now bring ONE character back from the dead... and, to restore the balance, you must also kill off a character! They don't have to be from the same fandom.

Resurrect: Kara Thrace (Battlestar Galactica). I mean, she's probably not going to stay dead forever because it's SF TV, but I'd just like to make certain because I adore her and BSG needs her.

Kill: T-Bag (Prison Break). He's insanely charismatic, but also a RAPIST AND MURDERER. He needs to be eliminated before any more innocent people die. Michael and Lincoln, I'm talking to YOU!

Bonus tradeoff: you can delete a single scene, relationship pairing or plot arc from any series that gave you hives... AND you can plug in any one [scene, pairing, plot arc] that you never got to see!

Delete: The recent revelation of presidential incest on Prison Break. SO UNNECESSARY. SO DISGUSTING.

Plug in: The long-overdue consummation of Michael and Sara's relationship on Prison Break. They've waited so long that no one is going to care anymore by the time they get around to it!

So, what do you think?

prison break, tv, memes, bsg, farscape

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