Mar 06, 2007 17:31

Not a good week for TV so far. Two of my favorite shows, BSG and Prison Break, went from must-watch to on-probation status in the space of 24 hours. If you've seen the latest episodes, you know why.

Damn you, Tivo and LJ! Before you I mostly watched nonfiction on the History Channel and the Military Channel, plus hockey. Now my Season Passes look like this:

1) Battlestar Galactica: In S1, when people called it "the best show on television," it was not hyperbole. All the more tragic how far it has fallen now.

2) Stargate: Atlantis: Pure crack goodness, but on hiatus in the U.S. There are some spoilers I'm not crazy about, but they probably won't keep me from watching it.

3) Stargate SG-1: On its last season.

4) Prison Break: I'm in it for the Michael/Sara. That's pretty much it, and they'd better come through for me, and soon. Especially considering the enormous squick in last night's episode.

5) Supernatural: My newest and shiniest fandom. Not what I'd call a great show (although S2 is a major improvement), but there is no shortage of eye candy and it's consistently entertaining. Actually, I started watching at 2.02 with such low expectations that the show is pretty good in comparison. Less painful than starting out at a high point like BSG and then descending into dire suckitude, at least. Plus I'm head over heels in love with Sam Winchester. Keeping my fingers crossed that it will be renewed for a third season.

6) Lost: I watch it for Jack and his savior complex and emo manpain. As long as they're dishing out hefty doses of that, I'm watching.

7) Heroes: I like this show but don't love it. I'm not inspired to talk about it much or read fic or anything like that. (When I was in Las Vegas with my family, I found out that my stepsister went to Brown with Masi Oka and she confirms that he is indeed SCARY smart.) No new episodes until April 23? Pffft!

8) Rome: On its last season. How I will miss you, Titus Pullo (who can call me "Princess" anytime) and Lucius Vorenus (talk about manpain)!

9) Smallville: A junk food show - so shiny and sweet you don't care that it's not good for you.

10) The Office: I started watching S3 because of svilleficrecs and meyerlemon. Dwight (and his weird relationship with Angela) is my favorite.

11) Standoff: I thought it was canceled, but it starts up again on April 6. More Ron Livingston, yay! (I don't know what it is about him, but most ladies like him. Including me.)


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