Fickle Girl

Jul 05, 2006 10:30

So Joel has been dating Ella for a while now. I'm not sure exactly how long. Before they started going out, I really REALLY didn't like her. My main reason for that being that she's a flirt and I thought she was just messing with Joel. When she actually started dating Joel, I decided to give her the benefit of the doubt and let her prove me wrong. I was okay with her for a while, but things keep coming up that are incredibly annoying. First of all, my mom doesn't help anything because she complains to me about all the little things that go on with Ella that bug her.
Here's some of the things that bother me: When she got kicked out of her mother's house, she thought she was going to live at our house. First of all, her parents not more than a couple of months ago flipped out because they were worried a rumor would ruin her reputation. Now her dad is supporting the idea of letting us allow her to live in her boyfriend's home. Secondly, if I was in that situation. Sure, I may go to my boyfriend's house first because I'd want to talk to him about it and be comforted. But I would never expect to stay, I would automatically call Ashley and ask her if I could stay there for a while.

She doesn't have a job, and has never really made an effort to get one. I see two problems with this. One, I think it is important for kids to have a job to teach them how to be responsible as far as showing up for work on time and managing their money. It also helps to keep them out of trouble and gives them something to do. Two, money is essential in this world. No one can get very far if they don't make money to pay for the basic things they need. She has never once paid for anything we've gone to. Mom and dad paid for her to get in at the State Track meet and it cost $10 per person. She expects Joel to spend money on her all the time, yet she's never spent a dime of her own money on him.

She's irrational. Joel was out of town at basketball games all day once last week, and she got mad at him for it. It wasn't his fault that he was out of town, and yet she was mad about it. There have been several times she's gotten mad at him about things out of his control. She'll do things like: not answer her cell phone, lie and tell him she's going out to do something with someone else, lie to him about what she's doing... But then she'll tell him later she's just kidding. I'm sorry, but I don't find it very funny. Joel's reached a point where he doesn't really care if she's pissed off because odds are that she's "just kidding."

I wish Joel would dump her before she dumps him because I fear that is the inevitable outcome. She goes away to Eastern at the end of the summer. She is one of those girls who has to have a boyfriend or she wouldn't know what to do. So I figure when she gets up there, she'll need a boyfriend close at hand and give up on the whole long distance relationship. Plus, I'm pretty sure she's going to be a basket case just like her mom.

The situation yesterday really bothered me. Originally she told Joel she wanted to stay in town for the Fourth and so she wasn't coming with us. Considering I don't particularly care for her, I was okay with the prospect of hanging out with my family. But Joel went 'running' with her that morning and apparently she changed her mind. Firstly, I'm a person who doesn't deal with change very well - especially sudden changes when I've got a firm idea already in place in my head. It ended up being fine - I just find the whole situation rather bothersome and frustrating. I'm probably just putting way too much emphasis on it, but it's hard not to when mom's always talking to me about it. Oh well. I just need to learn to let go of things and basically ignore her.
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