Apr 21, 2009 19:18
1. I have to type the word "rectal." A lot.
2. There is apparently a tank full of leeches on the premises. I have yet to see it, and really have no desire to whatsoever.
3. If you cry the first time they ask you to deliver leeches to the 4th floor, they never ask you again.
4. Knowing the difference between aspirin and tylenol is not as common as one may think.
5. The machines that store the medicine are accessed using my fingerprint. So if anybody wants to steal drugs, all they have to do is.... cut off my finger.
6. If you sneeze, you don't have to do deliveries.
7. Some parents hate their children and give them horrible names that my coworkers and I giggle about, but thanks to HIPAA, I'm not allowed to share these with you.
8. The comment "I have discharge today" refers to a job assignment, not a medical condition that might possibly require antibiotics.
9. I type the word "constipation" a lot too.
10. One of my coworkers was asked out by one of the security guards. He apparently watches her on the security cameras. She thinks this is endearing. I find it creepy and rather stalkerish.
11. One would think that medical professionals with 5 - 10 years of higher education would know how to pee into the toilet and not all over the floor or seat. One would be wrong.
12. I recieved an order today that instructed the patient to take her medication through 4/31. Probably written by one of the same medical professionals who can't hit the 1 foor diameter circle right in front of them.
13. One should be wary of laxative suppositories with names like "Magic Bullet."
14. Boston Butt Cream is a real medication listed on our formulary.