Aug 30, 2010 12:24
More than halfway through the official week, and it occurs to me that in some ways this is easier than expected to do. The harder part is the awareness it generates for me personally. Distinctly because I do wrestle with what my (personal) obligations towards the world around me means when it comes to critters and food.
Some things I feel certain of: If my only life path options for personal sustainability included animal products, I have no issue with eating to stay alive.
I am also aware that I am surrounded by alternatives. First and foremost, I have enough financial freedom to sustain myself on vegan sources of food and products. It is this very ability that makes me question my feelings of personal obligation towards doing so.
I am surprised by eating out vegan-the food choices I have made so far, are in some regard heavily processed. This is something among my patients I talk against. While there is a significant nutritional difference between boxed mac and cheese and tofu- at the end of the day, when I think about sustainable living/farming/agriculture the concept of "whole food" means as little refined or processed food as possible.
That includes-fresh fish, the neighbor who keeps sheep to card their wool...and yes, the choice others make to responsibly choose to eat/hunt meat. I have respect for the hunter or fisher who does so for the purpose of feeding themselves and/or family. The concept of fully using the game as aprt of the circle of life is ok by me. I don't think I know anyone who approves of or hunts for sport and trophy heads.
So Sunday-
Brunch-whole wheat bagel with tofu scallion cream cheese, some weird juice/tea drink
Dinner-at my parents, Grilled portabella mushroom with onions, mustard and a pickle on a bun,
couscous salad and grilled summer squash
Desert-One cookie, that may or may not have been dipped w. milk chocolate, despite looking like dark chocolate. And a bowl of strawberries