if you've been longing for 37 random facts about me, this is your entry

Jan 05, 2009 16:12

So, classes started up again today.  What better way to avoid reading my textbooks than by doing an end of the year survey?  There is no better way.  This is the way, people.  Anyways, I've been longing to steal this from girlinacardigan, and she's being nice and condoning my thievery, so...2008!  And yeah, this is a few days late, but let's just let it slide, k?

While filling this out, I realized that all of my old English teachers would be appalled by my flagrant use of incomplete sentences.  Also my apparent need to begin every third sentence with a conjunction.  And all the capslock.  (See what I mean?  It's an epidemic.)  English teachers, if you're out there, I do apologize.  A LOT.

1. What did you do in 2008 that you'd never done before?

Ooh, let’s see. Spent a month traveling around England. I will never not find British accents delicious. They do lovely things to my mind. Also, I was very, very impressed by the stylishness of everyone over there. Maybe it’s a side effect of living in the Midwest, where jeans and sweaters and sweatpants seem to be the norm, but damn if there weren’t a lot of cute boys in cute blazers walking around London. Sometimes fancily adorned with scarves as well.

And, you know, lest you think all I cared about were the accents and the surprisingly well dressed people… There was culture there too. Museums and historical things that I visited. It was nice.

2. Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year?

I stopped making those a long time ago because I was never any good at keeping them, and then I’d have to be all disappointed in myself when I eventually broke them. Usually by about January 8th or so. However, it would be nice to have some resolutions, so I’ve got a new idea this year. Or a new motto, really: aim low. I’m thinking I’ll resolve to do some things I already do. Like obsess over Grey’s. Or eat a lot of mac and cheese. Continue to breathe in the oxygen. Shower regularly. Five days into the new year, and so far I’ve already kept all of them. I am proud.

3. Did anyone close to you give birth?

No. Zero cute babies for me to hold this year. Get on that, people. Please?

4. Did anyone close to you die?

Thankfully no. But, uh…Heath Ledger was shocking, yes?

5. What countries did you visit?

England. For the accents.

6. What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?

Umm…fandom-wise, I would like to have more naked MerDer on my TV screen, k? In the real world, I could go for some more cooking skills. It’d be nice to feed myself something that isn’t pasta or eggs every once in awhile. (Not that I don’t make excellent mac and cheese. Also eggs, both fried and scrambled.)

7. What date from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?

Election Day. It’s a nice feeling to be proud of your country for a change.

8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?

Definitely my summer job. I don’t have a word to describe the special kind of terror you feel when you’re heading off on a fieldtrip into the heart of the city with only a handful of counselors and forty children all five and younger, knowing that you are in charge of everyone there and you’d better not lose anyone. But, that’s what I did all summer, and guess what? I didn’t lose anyone. (Commence proud twirling.)

Also, it was just an amazing job. I could go on for pages and pages about how incredibly cute and wonderful 95% of the kids were. I miss my lovely little campers.

9. What was your biggest failure?

Hee. This is funny now. It wasn’t at the time, but I’ve moved on, so let’s have a story. I don’t drive. Well, I do now, but for the longest time I didn’t. I’m a city girl, and I’ve lived off of public transportation since way back when I first started wanting to go places on my own. I had no clue how essential a car could be until I decided to go to school in what is, quite literally, the middle of nowhere. (I am a bit of a city snob. If you didn’t know that yet, you do now. My apologies.) And then I wanted one. Badly.

So, I finally decided to suck it up and learn to drive when I was back home this summer. I figured out how to go forwards and backwards. I learned to tell the switch for the windshield wipers from the one that controls the turn signal. I even taught myself how to freaking parallel park in order to be extra prepared and because sometimes I just like to overachieve a little. Or I live in a big, crowded city with crap parking. Whatever.

Anyways, I went to the DMV all prepared and shiny and nervous, ready to take the road test. (Do you know where this is going yet? I imagine you do.) The man who was going to be evaluating my fancy new driving skills got in the car and told me to pull out of the lot and make a right, and just drive down the street for a little while. And so I did, right through a red light. I think it took me all of thirty seconds to fail that test. That’s gotta be some kind of record, no? I mean, I ran a freaking red light. Less than a minute into my ROAD TEST. WHO DOES THAT?! (Although, in my defense, the light was strategically placed right behind a sign. It’s not that I wasn’t looking for the light. I just couldn’t see that it was there. Because of the FREAKISHLY STRATEGIC SIGNAGE.)

And, yeah. The man (who I decidedly did not like at this point) made me pull over and walk back to the DMV. Which was completely humiliating and a nice exercise in fighting off the urge to cry in front of a total stranger. Then I spent the rest of the day wallowing in my epic misery because clearly, the world was ending. Ahem…

Fortunately, because the DMV is nice (or stupid?), they let me go back the very next day and take it again. I was afraid I’d get stuck with the same man, and that he’d feel compelled to fail me again on principle. But I got some nice lady instead. And now I have a license. And I’m really not a bad driver. Seriously.

10. Did you suffer illness or injury?

I’m sure I had a cold or something like that at some point. Nothing memorable though. Which is obviously a good thing.

11. What was the best thing you bought?

I feel like I should say my plane ticket to Greece, but I’m not going there until April, so I haven’t really enjoyed that purchase yet. Something that I’ve bought and got to use already… Probably my black boots. They’re designed to be ridiculously hard to put on, but I love them a lot.

12. Where did most of your money go?

That ticket to Greece. And towards other things I shall need in Greece. Like a place to stay. And food. Oh, Greece. Just thinking about it has me all twirly-swirly with joy.

13. What did you get really, really, really excited about?

I’m a fangirl. I get really, really, really excited pretty much every time Meredith and Derek look at each other. (And I say that proudly. Sorta. Well, maybe with just a little shame.)

14. What song will always remind you of 2008?

Hmmm…I don’t really remember years that way. Maybe Slow Dancing in a Burning Room because for as long as I can remember, I’ve given my brother crap about liking John Mayer. I cannot stand the guy. At all. Except, then I accidentally discovered Slow Dancing in a Burning Room and fell wildly and completely in love with it. It’s just so heartbreakingly beautiful. The lyrics… They remind me why I really like words and the magical things people sometimes do with them. And, you know, now my brother gets to give me crap about liking a John Mayer song. Because that is the way of brothers and sisters.

15. Compared to this time last year, are you:

Happier or sadder? Well, this time last year, I was running all around England having the time of my life, so it’s pretty hard for me to top that. I guess we can go with a little sadder.

Older or wiser? Oh, come on, Survey. These are not mutually exclusive. I’m older AND wiser. I know, I know. It’s hard to sense the wisdom when every other post is me commenting on how pretty Meredith’s hair is. (Like almost inhumanly pretty. I don’t know how EP does it.) Seriously, though. I feel wiser. I had to grow up a lot this year. And obviously we all get older every year. So, both!

Thinner or fatter? I feel about the same as always. I certainly wear the same size as always. However, my grandma was on a “Let’s Fatten Morgen Up” kick the whole time I was home for the holidays, which, believe me, was not fun. I do not enjoy being force fed additional servings of mashed potatoes. Other things I don’t enjoy? Attempts to slip offers of “But wouldn’t you like a candy bar?” into everyday conversation. There’s just no way to do that subtly, people. So, in conclusion, I’m the same size as always, unless you ask my grandma.

Richer or poorer? Richer. Thanks to not losing any of my forty children this summer. And, you know, working all day every day to keep them happy and entertained and where they were supposed to be. It was my first experience working eight hour days, five days a week, and my…but that does nice things to a checking account.

16. What do you wish you'd done more of?

Ooh, this is an easy one. I wish I’d visited the fabulous world of lj more often. I’d forgotten what a great place this is, but I’m so glad I came back because, well, now I remember what a great place this is. You’re all such wonderful, insightful people, and I’m happy to have the chance to read your thoughts. Especially your Grey’s thoughts. Overanalyzing Grey’s to death makes me very happy. In case you hadn’t noticed, my TV is SERIOUS BUSINESS, PEOPLE.

17. What do you wish you'd done less of?

I wish I’d been less messy. So…done less laziness, I guess you could say. I’m just a few steps down from Cristina on the scale of cleanly to slovenly. I don’t enjoy neat freak tendencies, but I feel that there is a type of clutter that is cute and homey, and there’s a type of clutter where you’re stepping on top of your clothes because you’ve decided your floor makes a nice closet. I’m currently the latter, but I’d really like to graduate to the realm of cutely cluttered one of these days. Who knows, it could be fun.

18. How will you be spending Christmas?

Oh, Survey. You’re confusing me with your tenses. Do you want to know how I’ll be spending Christmas ’09? Because I don’t know that yet. Or do you want to know how I spent Christmas ’08? Because that’s happened already. I went home. My grandma tried to fatten me up. People gifted me an inordinate amount of sweaters. It was nice.

19. Did you fall in love in 2008?

Heh, no. Definitely not.  I have yet to be cured of my aversion to healthy, functional relationships.

20. How many one-night stands?

Well now, Survery. That’s very forward of you to ask. Also really not a number I’m even slightly inclined to share with the whole of the internets. (Sorry, internets. I’m sure you were all just dying to know.)

21. What was your favorite TV program?

Oh, Grey’s. I really do love you. Even when you’re making me crazy.

22. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?

Only if we’re including fictional characters. My hate for Denny is off the charts. I’d also really like to send Sadie back to the morgue. And maybe Lexie too, if she continues to attach herself to Mark in ways I find disturbing and ick.

23. What was the best book you read?

I honestly can’t remember all the books I’ve read this year. I should keep a list or something. I know I reread Pride and Prejudice at least once though, and that’s pretty much my favorite book in the history of books. I adore Elizabeth Bennet. A lot. She’s right up there with Meredith Grey and Kara Thrace in terms of my love for her, only Lizzie isn’t fond of imploding on herself in a self-destructive mess. Which, you know, makes for a nice change of pace.

24. What was your greatest musical discovery?

Oh, wow. I don’t even know. My revelation that I don’t actually hate all music by John Mayer felt pretty epic. But I’ve also discovered Sufjan Stevens, and that was another magical musical moment for me.

25. What did you want and get?

That driver’s license. All the sweaters I’ll ever need.

26. What did you want and not get?

Hmmm… A compelling fifth season of Grey’s. Plotlines that do not involve having sex with the deceased. More screen time for Meredith and Derek. TV, you make me sad.

27. What was your favorite film of this year?

Twilight. Definitely Twilight. That was the funniest thing I’ve seen in a long time. All I have to do is picture Edward sparkling in the sunlight while he snits about having the skin of a killer, and suddenly, I’m in a better mood.

28. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?

I turned 22. I did the out to dinner thing and some celebrating. It was nice, but a little anticlimactic after turning 21 the year before. That’s a hard act to follow.

29. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?

Well, speaking like a fangirl, less sex with the dead. And just less of the dead in general. That would’ve left me immeasurably satisfied.

Or, in my everyday life, not living in the middle of freaking nowhere. I really, really miss not having over a dozen unique, incredible restaurants all within walking distance from where I live. And, you know, civilization. I miss that too. (Told you, horrendous city snob. This is me reining it in and trying to be polite.)

30. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?

Hmm…I like things that are comfy and pretty at the same time. I really enjoy bright, jewel-toned colors. I spend way too much money at The Gap and J. Crew. Sadly, I don’t have a cute catchphrase to describe the way I dress, so that’s the best I can do to explain it.

31. What kept you sane?

Writing, actually. It lets my brain breathe.

32. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?

Fancy. Hee. I like that word. Why, I fancied Dempsey, of course.

33. What political issue stirred you the most?

Definitely the election. Obama with all his lovely family on the stage. That had me in tears. I’ve never been this excited and hopeful over a president before, and I hope the feeling doesn’t go away any time soon.

34. Who did you miss?

My best friend. We went from being roommates to living several hours away from each other, and phone calls and emails just do not compare to having your person there in your life every day.

35. Who was the best new person you met?

A new friend. Does anyone else ever have that moment where you become friends with someone you used to kind of arbitrarily dislike, and then one day you look at each other and you both are like…”I used to think you were a total bitch.” And then you both laugh at how stupid you used to be. Because new friend and I did that, and it’s just such a lovely moment to have.

36. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008:

Don’t sleep with the dead guys. Even if you used to be engaged to them for the whole of an afternoon.

37. Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:

Now that’s impossible. I just want to talk about lyrics I find pretty instead, k? I have a great, great love for Death Cab for Cutie. Because I like people who do pretty things with words, and they are very good at that. Most of their songs leave me feeling very flaily and full of awe, but especially Marching Bands of Manhattan. That song is just so… IDK. Like I said, it leaves me flaily and full of awe. Which may or may not have anything to do with how much I relate it to the drowning arc on Grey’s. Ahem… This is my favorite bit:

Sorrow drips into your heart through a pinhole
Just like a faucet that leaks and there is comfort in the sound
But while you debate half empty or half full
It slowly rises, your love is gonna drown

So much love. So very, very much.

Also, because it's apparently impossible for me to go a single post without discussing Grey's, can we talk about this sneak peek, please?  (Unless you don't like spoilers, in which case, maybe don't click the link.)  But, it's just...  These characters.  Meredith.  Derek.  Cristina.  These are great characters.  And the people who play them know how to act.  Put them all in a scene together and give them dialogue that is meaningful, and the result is pretty freaking amazing, if you ask me.  I'd be excited for the eppy after seeing that sneak even if I didn't know about dancing MerDer.  Show, do things like this more often, k? 

year end survey, grey's anatomy, spoiler!whore

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