So…um, wow. That was almost my show again. So much good stuff to talk about. A lot of ick too from the usual places, but still…Meredith and Derek hung out naked. I’m pretty happy.
Let’s start at the beginning because the beginning was pretty amazing. Meredith and Derek all deliciously spooned together. Oh, it was lovely. And there was communication. Naked communication, I might add. Obviously the best kind. Then, because Show wanted to apologize for all the Denny we were going to have to suffer through tonight, we also got quickie morning sex. Le Sigh. All is forgiven, Show. All is forgiven. Also, I feel the need to point out that Meredith and Derek were ALREADY NAKED. Because of ALL THE SEX THEY’D ALREADY HAD. (Yes, I know. I have no class.) It’s just I was starting to worry that they’d just completely forgotten how to get each other off. Glad to know there’s no cause for concern, Show. Very glad to know.
Honestly, tonight was such a MerDer festival that I’m having a hard time typing rationally here. I just want to go on for several paragraphs about the naked sex and the communicating, the backstory and the dorky dancing, all while making use of excessive capslocks. But, uh…for the sake of coherency, let’s pretend I already did that and just move on to something I didn’t like. For the sake of sobering me up. Like Lexie Grey, for instance! I’m sorry but I still find the idea of Lexie and Mark together to be creepy and wrong. She’s coming off as pretty manipulative with her continual popping up with surgical requests, and I’m having a very hard time buying that she and Mark talked for hours and hours. About what, people? About her intense (and apparently fleeting) love for George, perhaps? (Speaking of George, hey George! It was nice to see you tonight. I’m finding myself really hoping you don’t leave after all.)
But yeah, Lexie and Mark. I could find this pairing interesting if they play it up as something inherently dysfunctional and wrong. The only thing I find remotely intriguing about Mark/Lexie is that she is the sister of Derek’s girlfriend. She’s yet another thing that’s Derek’s, and, as soon as that’s clear to Mark, he suddenly wants her. There’s a little bit of sick and twisted there, people. So far we know he’s slept with Addison and Nancy, and Nancy made it sound like it was something of a family tradition, so I’d be willing to bet he’s slept with some of Derek’s other sisters as well. And he’s hit on Meredith more than once. Why is he so incredibly attracted to the people in Derek’s life? It’s weird and creepy, albeit kinda fascinating, so if they go with that angle, I suppose I could get behind it a little. However, if Lexie is the one to tame Mark the manwhore? Well, honestly, that just makes me feel like throwing up a little. Told you this was a sobering process, didn’t I?
Also, Show? Since you were nice and gave me MerDer sex, let me return the favor and clue you in here. All the scenes of Mark and Callie together continually oozing the chemistry? They are not helping me have any tolerance for Mark/Lexie whatsoever. Not when Mark and Callie are just dripping with this magical blend of hot, funny, sexy chemistry. I mean, did you guys see the elbow bump? Because that was fabulous. Really, truly fabulous. Please, Show. You felt like you were getting back in the swing of things a little tonight, but that was despite Mark/Lexie, not because of it. Make it go away, k?
Also, my Callie love is just continuing to grow. She is the very best when it comes to awkward stuttering. Even though I was very disturbed by Sadie randomly reaching out to remove lint from Callie’s hair… Callie’s her boss after all. I have never once reached out and started pulling lint out of the hair of any boss I’ve ever had. Something tells me that just isn’t done in professional relationships. That said, the Callie stuttering? I adore it. Her “George…Dr. George” was very, very cute. However, there are other things she can stutter about. No need for it to be over Sadie, who I’m afraid I still can’t stand. Although, yet again validating my fancy shmancy theory that Meredith makes all other characters better simply by virtue of association, I did not despise Sadie with a violent passion during her scene with Mer. I was briefly nervous that Sadie was gonna wax nostalgic about her and Mer’s killing spree back in the day. Wasn’t Sadie supposed to have deep dark secrets about Mer’s past at one time? I’m very glad murder wasn’t one of them. And, well, Amsterdam. Hee. Of course Mer went there. Oh, Mer. I really do adore you. Also, if Sadie is sticking around for pretty much any more episodes ever, I would like more of the partying in Amsterdam/humongous fight between the BFFs backstory instead of the unfortunate flirting with Callie. (Or hanging out with Lexie. The sight of Sadie and Lexie together makes me ragey and hateful pretty much always.)
Speaking of BFF fights, I’ve got to admit the Mer/Cris stuff is starting to get very tiresome. It’s sad and tedious and makes me want to go hug a teddy bear or something. Cristina was coming across as very immature what with the tattling about the morphine to Derek, the leaving the table just because Mer showed up, and the rolling her eyes whenever Mer spoke. Not that Meredith was much better. They were both being so snippy with each other, and it hurts to watch. (Although, because I have a secret love for Bitchy Mer, I’ve gotta say I loved it when she snapped back at Cristina that some surgeons are great, and others need to practice. See, Mer? You can be a bitch when you want to.) I’m not really sure what I want to have happen here. Even though Sadie seemed to be suggesting Mer should apologize again, Cristina hasn’t apologized AT ALL. I don’t want Meredith to grovel here because I honestly don’t think she’s done anything wrong. And, I don’t want things to magically get repaired with an apology either just because Mer and Cris can’t be okay without each other because they’re the MOST SUPER SPECIAL BFFS EVAR. If that happens, they’ll go back to being co-dependent and dysfunctional like usual. I’d like them to fight, really fight, about all the things they’re actually fighting about. Like Derek. And Cristina having to share Meredith. Then maybe they can become a better version of themselves, but I don’t see it happening if they never actually get to fight it out over the real issues.
Moving on to new characters…Dr. Alabama. Arizona. Whatever. The name annoys me so much that it’s hard to get past that to actually think about the character. I think I’m going to call her by arbitrary state names from now on. See how well I do on my fifty states. 3rd grade was a long time ago. Anyway, Dr. Arkansas. She’s actually my favorite of the pointless new characters added so far this season. Yeah, at first she was giving off a bit of a Sydney Herron vibe. Thin layer of perky spread over a lot of bitchy. That sort of thing. Channeling Sydney didn’t do you any favors there, Dr. Tennessee. And I would have had a much easier time taking you seriously if you’d refrained from wearing your ROLLER BLADE SNEAKERS to work, but… Who doesn’t secretly wish they could wear roller blade sneakers to work? I’d like to be able to get away with that. And, well…there was something kinda fun about her? Like bubblegum and cotton candy and other smiley, fluffy things. Also, Dr. Montana is really, really ridiculously pretty. I can be swayed by things like this. If we got rid of Sadie and Denny and made Lexie’s disturbing, icky thing with Mark go away? If all that happened, I might be able to consider keeping Dr. Rhode Island around. And, I almost feel guilty just for thinking this, but it was nice to see her give Bailey a bit of a smackdown. Now, Bailey is very shiny and fabulous and does most things better than most people, BUT…her automatic attitude of I AM BAILEY SO YOU MUST BE WRONG can be wearying. And it sure was tonight. Bailey, I adore you, I really do, but you know I’ve heard a little humility can occasionally look good on people. And, even if Shepherd is just a haircut (Hee. So much love for that one.) those doctors walking around in the fancy dark blue scrubs have been doctoring longer than you and can occasionally be right about things too.
Also, that kid. Oh my goodness, how adorable. I really hope this boy lives. And I really, really hope we get more scenes of Alex working in peds. (Another reason why keeping Dr. Iowa around might not be such a bad idea. Alex is off the charts hot when working with the kiddies.) Seriously, the guy’s a natural. I just want to type a lot of annoying texty hearts (like so… <3 <3 <3) and spin around in my chair while thinking about Alex refusing to sign the kid’s Make A Wish thingy because Jackson’s not dying. And then stoically signing it at the end. At which point I would type sad broken hearts. (Like so… I just… We need more Alex working in peds. We need more Alex, period.
I feel like I don’t have the words to do my Alex love justice. He was so precious with Jackson and so incredibly perfect with Izzie. The guy’s grown up so much, you guys. He is showing incredible class with the Denny thing. Which, it’s about freaking time, Iz. Although the way she did it still wasn’t good enough. Not after all the Denny we’ve had to suffer through. While I love seeing just how deeply Alex cares for Izzie and how much he wants to be there for her while she works through her Denny issues… Girl’s having hallucinations. Izzie needs to clarify a bit. But, um… “Tell him I said hi?” and “He can share my girl, but not my sandwich. This cost four dollars.” AHHHH… Alex gets all the best lines. I love this guy. I really do. He baked his girlfriend a truly ugly, lopsided, frosted purple birthday cake. If that isn’t the sweetest thing… Also, can’t say I minded the sex either. Those two are so freaking hot together. (Oh, Show. See how good you are when you take advantage of the chemistry? This thing you did tonight with Alex and Izzie and Mer/Der? It works. Go with it like…always, k?) And, as a bonus, the sexing drove Denny from the room.
Honestly, if Denny wasn’t around, this would’ve been a near perfect eppy. (I might’ve even felt inclined to let Mark/Lexie slide.) But the guy is starting to turn really, truly creepy here. Didn’t Denny express a desire to off Alex if he could? I think he’d get along really well with Psycho Killer. Maybe Denny could go stalk him for awhile? Chat about creepy things. Impale each other with pointy toothbrushes. Whatever. Basically, go away, Denny. Just go away. You don’t get to be jealous of Izzie and Alex. You’re dead. And when Izzie asked you if you were going to get her a birthday gift? The correct answer was no. Because you’re dead. Also, a hallucination. Hallucinations cannot go to the store to buy birthday presents. They also cannot bake ugly, slanted, perfect cakes. BECAUSE THEY AREN’T REALLY THERE.
Also, uh…I’m more than a little bit bothered that Izzie sees nothing wrong with this arrangement and would like it to just stay this way indefinitely. Izzie Stevens, she of the high horses and moral superiority, is dating two men? I don’t care if one of them is dead and the other’s alive. (Well, ok. I care a lot, but my hate isn’t the point here.) It doesn’t matter that Denny’s in her head. He’s clearly very real for her. A lot more real than she led Alex to believe, and sleeping with both of them when she knows how very in love with her Alex is? It’s more than a little bit slutty. Also, does Izzie even have a job anymore? All she does at the hospital these days is lay around naked and have a lot of sex (with men both dead and alive). Not that sex can’t be a job, Iz. There’s actually a name for that line of work. Prostitution ringing any bells there? Seriously, Show. Is it asking too much to show Izzie actually being a doctor again at some point?
Anyway, moving on from that disaster to what was the best part of the show, MerDer and the serial killer. First off, excellent casting with Eric Stoltz as the serial killer. He comes across as so quietly horrifying it gives me chills. You can just tell that he’s going to manipulate the hell out of his doctors before this is all over. While I normally love Meredith’s empathy, I almost wish she wasn’t looking for the good in this guy. It makes me very nervous to see her forming a bond with him because I don’t trust him at all, and I wouldn’t put it past him to hurt Meredith in some way if offered the chance. And not just in the leaping up and stabbing her with a scalpel way, but in the manipulating her to get what he wants sort of way. He barely had to bat an eye to get the morphine from her, and, while I think she was making the correct call there, it all just leaves me with an uneasy feeling.
Then there’s Derek. Oh, Derek. You break my heart. We finally got some backstory on the guy, and it’s devastating. I loved that he shared it with Meredith though. (Actually, they were excellent with the communication the whole eppy. I’m so proud.) And I’m really glad that he does have a personal connection to the SK’s case because, while I can understand anyone being disturbed by having to heal such a man, Derek wasn’t too good at the professionalism tonight. It’d be one thing if he was an intern, but he’s the head of an entire department and is supposed to be something of an example to those working underneath him. Basically, I’m glad that this case is hitting too close to home for Derek. It makes his behavior so much more understandable. (Oh, Show. I really love it when you make sense. Do things like this more, k?)
Also, continuing the Derek theme, this man. Just…you guys. He loves Mer so much. He had a horrible day at work, had to heal a man who reminded him of his father’s murderers, but then still comes home and tries to cheer up his girlfriend. With ridiculous, dorky, wonderful dancing. That was his version of Alex’s lopsided cake right there. It was so clear how much he cared about Meredith and how worried he was about her fight with Cristina. I’m not always one to take Derek’s side, but Cristina has rarely offered him anything other than disdain, and the guy isn’t saying one bad word about her to Meredith. Classy, Derek. Very classy. Also? I adore you.
And then, well. They danced it out. And I about died from the cute.
Also, P.S. Next week? MAMA SHEP! I’m so excited, and she seems nice too. However, I’m unable to dwell on this because I am too busy being horrified by MEREDITH’S DISASTROUS HAIR. What happened there? It is physically painful to look at, and I’m really hoping there is a very good explanation for that teeny bopper ponytail complete with pink scrunchie. Something along the lines of a sudden case of INSANITY, perhaps.