Documentig, again.

Jul 05, 2020 08:42

My father has a fifthwheel camper that hasn't been winterized. This is a pproblem that his dementia has had him putting off for months. It has frozen a few times now.
There was someone he'd asked to come and do the winterizing and since he's dragged his feet or his priorities aren't what a normal persons would be it's not gotten done.
Tonight when I brought the dog out I find the lights on and upon going in to turn them off I see that there's a stove burner that's been left on. I shut it off, turn off the A/C and water pump. Oh, pump would be frozen too.. I didn't check, no need. He'd come in and left all this on and when his friend didn't come he was going to go to bed having left all that on. Right, open flame in a trailer next to the house..
He eats and goes to go to bed and I mention this as; So, you're going to go to bed leaving the stove on in the camper? Yeah, to take ths chill off... And you see nothing wrong with this? No..? Fine, I'll go fix it like usual, go to bed.
 I left a couple messages with two other RV places asking if they'd come and thaw it out and do the winterizing before he burns the trailer up and the house alongside it.
I talked to his friend, Joanne,  She tells me he's telling her that he doesn't have any propane for the heat and that it doesn't work. I point out that if that were true how would he have a burner on?
She gets that moment of;'re right.
I'm going to go out, turn on the heat as low as it'll go and see if it thaws out in there. I doubt it but I don't see Dad doing it without screwing it up any more than I cou... No, nevermind, I'm not going to finish that. Given a chance he'd do it..
(posted after almost 2 years.)
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