Got loads of Rainbow admin done tonight ahead of the start of term. We're not going back till next week because we've always tried to give the new girls a full week of school because 5 is awfully little for school & new clubs to start all at once BUT I'm now feeling like maybe we're wrong because I just got a somewhat pointed email from another leader about all the other uniformed organisations being at church parade next Sunday and "presumably" we won't be. Maybe it wasn't pointed. Maybe I'm oversensitive.
(probably I'm oversensitive)(though I totally managed 8 hours sleep last night which is a win!)
ANYWAY. Shinier things. Here are some assorted recs/links/things I want to share.
Twelfth Night: A Gender ExperimentThis is a crowdfunder for a really interesting project- they're going to put on 4 different versions of Twelfth Night at the Rose Playhouse, Bankside all with the same cast(s). One all-male, one all-female, one own gender and one opposite gender. I really want to go to them all (
booking here) but I don't know if I can find 4 nights in October that work. A cunning plan may be needed and I'm not up to that tonight :-P
The New Adventures of Peter & WendyI've definitely talked about this before but it's just finished series 2 so it's a GREAT time to catch up whilst the existing fans all cross their fingers that they sort out the funding for series 3 soon... It's a lovely series with lots of nice touches and references and some wonderful characters (if you don't fall a bit in love with John Darling I'll be very surprised). It's ended on something of a cliffhanger but they're definitely planning series 3 and I love it very much ♥
I mean... I guess probably if you were going to watch it you already started but if you're thinking about it and aren't sure? Really truly it's worth giving it a go because it's so beautiful and creepy and fascinating and I spent all of the finale clutching my face and screaming at the TV (have I mentioned I'm homealone at the moment? Thank goodness)
TwentyThis might not be so much a rec as a warning. I've become a little obsessed with this game and I can't even make my phone play it which would be easier. My top score was when I got to Twenty 10 times... I might have given myself a slight RSI doing so though.
OricaGreenEdge Backstage Pass videosOr rather mostly right now I just mean Esteban Chaves in their videos because he's such a sweetheart and seems almost endlessly smiley <3 but whether you're into cycling or not the OGE videos are always good value.
In other news I've just started reading The Golden Egg by Donna Leon and now I'm horribly nostalgic for Venice again. Maybe I'll just run away from RL altogether and find an abandoned Venetian palace to make my home in?