Apr 08, 2012 18:34
How's everyone enjoying their Easter day?
My parents win ALL the points because they realised for the last couple of years they've each got 2 eggs (one from me & one from each other) whereas I've only had one (from them together) so this year they got me THREE of the Cadburys basic eggs AND a Hotel Chocolat Salted Caramel egg sandwich thing... I'd like to say that should last me a while but I suspect it won't *g*
I've also just spent a lovely hour playing the piano. I've been quite bad at keeping up my piano playing but Mum & Dad went out so I thought I'd have a go. Discovered one or two pieces are still mostly automatic for my fingers but there are a few others I should play more often. Also the less said about my attempt at Clair de Lune the better (and it was a simplified version)
This morning we discovered that two of the Stewards last night had had to moonlight as Emergency Flower Arrangers (definitely needs capitals) after an arrangement took a flying leap off its shelf during the Easter Vigil, thankfully in a part of the church that wasn't being used! Not only did they tidy it up but they also found a new container and re-did the arrangement so that nobody (except the person who'd originally done that vase) could even tell it had changed :-D
Just having a little quiet time now and then it will be time for soft boiled eggs- v. important Easter tradition round these parts.
the abbey,