How to finish Easter Sunday... the Valentines episode of Glee (sugary cuteness, Ambery Riley being awesome, weird new guy, worrying Karrofsky scene and then BLAINE :D) and then...
[CSI 12-03 Bittersweet]CSI 12-03 BittersweetNick's on a date... I love him when he's being charming even if I remain ENDLESSLY unconvinced by his heterosexuality. OH WAIT he's "dating" Doc Robbins niece? I guess he's given up on people unconnected with the lab *g*
I still love beyond all words that Nick's become the bug guy- he's Grissom's man through and through <3
Aaaaaaand now blonde-y (Morgan! I have to stop calling her blonde-y in my head) is asking whether Nick's taken... is asking GREG whether Nick's taken by Doc Robbins' niece and once again I think we're meant to assume Greg's jealous of Nick having a chance rather than being a bit NICK DOES NOT DATE GIRLS
(this is episode is going to be Sara on a mission isn't it? Sara at her most intriguing but also generally most worrying)
(no but OH GOD SARA really?! Is it actually legal to yell about her former crimes? I guess maybe but... well *sighs* please don't let it backfire TOO much)
See I kind of like DB here, he's utterly right and he's not overstating or being cruel and she DOES known this (or should do). Interesting that he gave her a chance though & didn't take Sara straight off as Cath was suggesting.
This whole chocolate storyline? NOT what you want on Easter day :-P Though I fear even if it is suicide/murder by chocolate it just leaves me craving more *g*
Making Sara save the life of the bad woman? Harsh. But at least she didn't hesitate over it. I WORRY I worry quite a lot it won't have been Gina.
LOVE Nick going to check on Sara <3 Just generally love Nick.
HENRY! OH HENRY HOW I HAVE MISSED YOU *nearly misses plot whilst fangirling*
Dad called that right at the start. Traumatised victim who survived... Stockholm Syndrome at its saddest.
And ♥ DB and look how well he deals with her
(and, pipes up my Dad "what's happened to her marriage to Grissom" GOOD QUESTION)
Now if only Dad would go to bed I could stop watching football and try and catch up on some of my other shows (Criminal Minds<3)