10 Week Sherlock Diet
This is 10 weeks as said above so be prepared!
Week 1: Sherlock Holmes
This will probably be the most challenging week. Just remember to drink a lot of fluid! Alternatively you could do day 5 as a fast too and just move the 100 and 300 to the last two days instead. Also, Sherlock's pretty active, so exercise if you can. When he does eat he'll go for brain food because, hey, the brain is the most important part. But most of the time he can't be bothered.
Suggested foods: Black tea, water, coffee, fish, chicken, nuts, beans, blueberries.
Day 1: Fast
Day 2: 100
Day 3: 300
Day 4: Fast
Day 5:100
Day 6: 300
Day 7: Fast
Week 2: John Watson
Just think lots of kittens and rage lol! Very likely he'd be following Sherlock around, so you might exercise some this week too.
Suggested foods: Coffee, jam, low cal toast, rice, tuna, beans.
Day 1: 400
Day 2: 500
Day 3: 200
Day 4: 300
Day 5: Fast
Day 6: 500
Day 7: 200
Week 3: Mrs. Hudson
She's an older lady, so she probably wouldn't do too strenuous of an exercise regime.
Suggested foods: Soups, occasional small cookie or sweet.
Day 1: 500
Day 2: 600
Day 3: 400
Day 4: 300
Day 5: 500
Day 6: 600
Day 7: 400
Week 4: Jim Moriarty
Again, a pretty active guy, but he's not afraid to lounge around, so do get your beauty sleep! And feel free to laugh maniacally if you feel like it.
Suggested foods: Black tea, coffee, apples.
Day 1: Fast
Day 2: 600
Day 3: 500
Day 4: 400
Day 5: 300
Day 6: 200
Day 7: Apples
Week 5: Mycroft Holmes
Mycroft is known for yo-yo dieting and having a sweet tooth, thus the alternating calorie levels.
Suggested foods: The occasional small sweet, lettuce, chicken
Day 1: 600
Day 2: 200
Day 3: Fast
Day 4: 600
Day 5: 200
Day 6: 300
Day 7: 600
Week 6: Greg Lestrade
Failing is not his division.
Suggested foods: Black coffee, fish, low cal toast
Day 1: 500
Day 2: 400
Day 3: 500
Day 4: Fast
Day 5: 600
Day 6: 400
Day 7: 500
Week 7: Sally Donovan
Bit of a whore sometimes, but she's still got to keep her girlish figure.
Suggested foods: Water, chicken, lettuce, penis.
Day 1: 300
Day 2: 400
Day 3: 300
Day 4: 400
Day 5: Fast
Day 6: 300
Day 7: 400
Week 8: Anderson
Just try to think harder.
Suggested foods: Dick, chicken, coffee.
Day 1: 400
Day 2: 500
Day 3: 700
Day 4: 400
Day 5:500
Day 6: 700
Day 7: 400
Week 9: Irene Adler
Think sexy food. Aphrodisiacs.
Suggested foods: Oysters, dark chocolate, mushrooms, hot peppers, salads.
Day 1: 200
Day 2: Fast
Day 3: 200
Day 4: 300
Day 5: 200
Day 6: 300
Day 7: 200
Week 10: Molly Hooper
One headcannon has it that Molly used to have an ED too. So go for light options!
Suggested foods: Water, crisps, lettuce, fruit, crackers.
Day 1: Fast
Day 2: 200
Day 3: 600
Day 4: 200
Day 5:600
Day 6: 200
Day 7: Fast