Sooo...Getting 8 hours of sleep over 4 days finally came back to bite me in the butt. I went to bed last night thinking "Hmmm...I have a headache...maybe it'll be gone tomorrow" Well apparently my immune system said "NO!!! SCREW YOU!!!" And insteed of waking up with no headache, woke up with a worse headache, sore throat, runny nose, and an achy body. Isn't that great?
Well in the good news category, I got As in directing, theatre history, and PSF! Woot! Im still waiting on the results of lighting design and senior seminar (though based on my previous work in the classes I assume I got As there too). It was a REALLY hard semester. but my work paid off. I'm really happy.
I'm heading home tomorrow morning and I can't wait till I'm there. I miss my family and friends. So...I will be calling know who you are...yeah you. There will be serious hanging out this break since I'm not working. In the mean time though, it's time to clean like a crazy fiend.
Hopefully this will be an indication of how my break will be...
Peace out!