Drabble Project: Day Two

Apr 22, 2011 22:56

Well, I'm cutting it close with this one aren't I? I ended up spending most of the day with my grandpa so that cut into my writing time. Then I kind of forgot I was doing this. Luckily, I remembered. And then Supernatural came on so I paused in writing. Yeah, this is going well so far don't you think?

Previous Days
Day One

Title: Special
Prompt: planted_author + AU!Mutant

Every day of his life Mike heard that his baby, baby sister Thea was special. He didn’t really get it. Thea was just like Hope, his baby sister. Both of them were girls, mysterious strange creatures girls, and she laughed a lot. He didn’t see anything special there.

He figured out special meant something else entirely when he saw Thea turn on a light without touching the switch.

Title: See It Coming
Prompt: brings_to_light + Horror

He does not mean to get captured, though he knows it is inevitable. He fights until he is overwhelmed, still desperately holding out hope that He will save him. This isn’t another lesson though. This is something meant. He is meant to be captured.

He is meant to be tortured. It is inevitable. Terrible and inevitable.

All that keeps him from holding on, surviving and enduring, is the knowledge that this too shall pass. He knows that he will be rescued. His suffering will, at some point, end.

Title: Thirst for Power
Prompt: handyouredealt + AU!Vampire

He is no one important when he gets bitten. At best he is a petty thief and occasional whore, but then he is bitten and suddenly he is someone very, very important and very, very strong. He kills the Red King who bit him. Now that he has power, he doesn’t wait. He takes it and does very, very well with it.

The Red Court was a joke before he took over. He built up the weak and corrupt court into a power house. He built treaties and alliances, cementing his own power and reputation within the magical community. They said he was like the vampires of old, rebuilding an empire. He doesn’t care for an empire.

He does care about his power. Even though he craves human blood so much more than other vampires, he never bites anyone himself. He will not pass on his title and his power. He will be the only Red King.

Title: Metamorphosis
Prompt: soldier_ofgod + Hurt/Comfort

“I am becoming… someone else,” he says to the quiet shadows of Dean’s room.


“The choices I make, the things I have done in this war, for this war… I am not who I was.”

He hangs his head, staring at his shoes and the ugly carpet. The bed moves behind him and he feels Dean wrap his arms around him, pressing his chest to his back. His hand slid around and pressed over the wound Rachel had given him.

“You’re still mine.”

Title: Heal Thyself
Prompt: a_soul_awake + AU!Weird West

In Charleston there was no better healer than Dr. Chandler. Most folks were shocked when they came to her, expecting a man. After all, before Revelation, all the doctors were men. Revelation had changed a lot of things.

She was proud of being a woman doctor. No matter the cost.

Title: The Waiting Room
Prompt: 12yrs_life + Romance

She doesn’t come to him after Roman. He knows she won’t. After all, she’s only figured out the math a few hours ago and she is Reese so she will need time. He still waits up all night just in case she does. They’re both suspended while the FBI and the LAPD investigate everything.

Charlie doesn’t mind. He has things he needs to do. Rachel needs to come home. He needs to replace his car. Again. But every night he sits up in his room and waits. Reese will come to him because there are Reese and Crews. They speak each other’s language and do not shy away from the dark places they carry with them.

It takes a week before he hears the front door open.

“Crews, if you shoot me, I’ll kill you.”

He smiles. There’s his one.
Title: Horror Movie Clichés
Prompt: singlesoccermom + AU!Gender Swap

James looks at his sister across the little island in the kitchen and doesn’t know what to think. There’s a flag on his mantel that says his sister is dead. His daughter is wearing Jenny’s dogtags. The Army told him his sister was killed in a helicopter crash during an illegal operation.

Except he knows his sister as well as he knows himself and his sister is sitting right there across from him and her whole team is in his living room, giving them privacy while still being in listening range. He can practically feel Cougar lurking.

“Well,” he says after a long, tense silence. “You don’t look like a zombie.”

Title: You’ll Never Believe It
Prompt: ironknifehunter + AU!Werewolf

Sam has puppies and Jo doesn’t really know what to make of that. She’s a hunter and to her werewolves are big, snarling, flesh eating monsters. They’re big bad beasts you put down on sight. Except, Sam’s one and Dean didn’t kill him and she’s met Sam’s pack.

They’re actually all kind of nice. The alpha, Murphy, reminds her of her mom. Sam’s… mate? Girlfriend? Jo doesn’t know what to call her, but she’s really nice too and the puppies are all kinds of cute. Kirmani’s really cute. Like, really cute.

Jo never thought she’d make out with a werewolf. Then again, she never thought Sam would have puppies.

Title: Under The Cover of Night
Prompt: Writer’s Choice: givesapush + AU!Daemon

They’re taking kids. Dani’s seen it. They snatch them up in the night with their daemons and they disappear and never come back. They sometimes just walk out the front door with them, like the kid’s going to a nice new home but she knows it’s not true. She’s seen the men who kidnap kids “adopt” them too.

She’s not going to wait around. She’s not going to let them take her. She and Enzio slip out in the middle of the night and disappear too but it’s her choice. Not theirs.

Title: Death By Chocolate
Prompt: manofclay + Romance

“These are… chocolate bullets.”

Clay stretches out in bed, his arms folded behind his head as he watches Aisha turn the box around in her hands, reading the label with a slight smirk.

“Thought you’d like them.”

Author’s Notes: Mike is a mutant, so for an mutant AU, he was just a human. Yeah, it’s sad how long it took me to figure out that one. Like really sad. Chocolate bullets actually exist! Clay would totally get them for Aisha as a romantic gesture. It’s also possibly a little sad that I still ship Jenna/Hannibal even when she’s gender swapped to James. And I actually can’t remember what happens to Jo in the werewolf verse. So I made something up. It might not actually fit with what’s been written. Maybe.

[muse] michael chandler, [muse] hope chandler, [muse] remy "gambit" lebeau, [muse] castiel, [muse] charlie crews, [muse] jenna jensen, [muse] jo harvelle, [muse] ithuriel, [writing], [muse] franklin clay, [muse] dani

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