Drabble Project: Day Three

Apr 23, 2011 19:12

I almost totally ignored this today. I woke up with a headache and it won’t go away. I didn’t feel like writing. I didn’t feel like doing anything today. It’s just a general rawr, unhappy achy feeling. But I sucked it up and wrote anyway.

I decided to do a theme today. Today’s theme is porn, sexy stuff! Good times, good times. Kiddies, cover your eyes.

Previous Days
Day One
Day Two

Title: Fearless
Prompt: Writer’s Choice: re_bourne & AU!Mutant

He didn’t know who he is, how he can do the things he does but Marie touches him like it doesn’t matter. She has seen him send men flying across a room without laying a hand on them. She has watched him heal, skin magically knitting together right before their eyes. He’s some sort of freak, but to Marie it doesn’t matter.

She sinks down on him, tight, wet, hot, wonderful, beautiful and he thinks he can find himself in this, in her instead.

Title: Two Sides
Prompt: simplyguy & AU!High School

Everyone at school is afraid of them, the two foster kids, the two bad boys. He doesn’t have his friend’s bulk but he’s quicker. One bully had thought his skin and bone frame meant he was an easy target. A broken nose and black eye later, no one made the mistake to pick on him because he was small again. They never try when his friend is around.

Their bad boy reputation gets them plenty of attention. Girls just seem to love the two of them and their rough edges. It’s not the same as when he’s alone with his friend in their room. The way his friend kisses him, the way his friend touches him no fumbling high school girl can match.

He only surrenders to his friend. He will only ever surrender to his friend.

Title: Surprise!
Prompt: ironknifehunter & Humor

“Sammy, let’s go, oh holy shit!”

Sam goes still as the door to their hotel room slams shut. They can still hear Dean on the other side, saying something to Cas. She laughs and takes advantage of Sam’s blush to flip him over onto his back.

“Jo,” he groans, cheeks still a delightful pink color.

“Now, where were we?” she asks but doesn’t wait for an answer, just pushes down onto his cock and picks up right where they left off.

Title: Black Light
Prompt: sniffsniffsnipe & AU!Vampire

The shock is that even when her eyes glow, they look black. She looks down at him, mouth slightly open, fangs obvious and her eyes radiating black even though he knew they were actually very dark brown. She licked her lips and he waited, breath caught in his throat.

Slowly, very slowly she leaned down and dragged her fangs along the dip in his hip. That hint of danger, how she could destroy him made his cock twitch.

“Fuckin’ tease,” he growls, “Just do it already!”

He didn’t know if he was asking for her to bite him or suck him off.

Title: Loneliness
Prompt: tech_toye & AU!Daemon

Sometimes he wondered what it’d be like if someone else touched him. The only other being who has ever touched him since he ran away was Ashta. His daemon always curls close around him, hides against him and keeps him safe from other people touching him or her.

But he wondered when he was lonely what someone else’s hand might feel like stroking him. He imagines soft lips kissing him, gentle hands touching him, and though it’s rather scary it always makes it feel better.
Title: Options
Prompt: planted_author & AU!Gender Swap

Michelle likes a guy who’s confident. Her track record is filled with bad boys, rock stars and even an actor. She’s had the occasional fantasy about cops or firefighters. She’s an equal opportunity girl after all, but she’s never actually gone after them before because they’re never around because of their careers and she’s never around with all her travelling. A relationship just doesn’t work when no one’s around.

But after a night with Hank SHIELD Agent and friend of her brother’s, she’s rethinking that. None of her previous boyfriends had ever been able to fuck her against a wall. Twice.

Title: New Horizons
Prompt: singlesoccermom & Adventure

Normally, Jenna is very respectful of Hannibal’s boundaries. She knows he’s a private guy and while kissing and hand holding are entirely okay in public, other things are not. She’s okay with that. Most of the time.

But after a brush with death, yeah, she’s not respecting them.

Hannibal’s surprisingly easy to convince about sex in the back of a B-17. Jenna’s going to remember that.

Title: Music To My Ears
Prompt: soldier_ofgod & AU!Other Show: Glee

“I want to hear you sing,” Dean whispers in his ear while they’re making out in a closet before Warbler’s practice.

“You hear me sing all the time,” he says, breathless and aching. Dean’s hand is slowly creeping under his blazer, heat radiating into his chest and working down to his dick. He aches for that hand to go down.

“Uh huh, but never when I’m doing this.”

Then Dean’s on his knees and Cas sings nothing but praise for Dean’s very talented mouth.
Title: Looking Glass
Prompt: a_soul_awake & Suspense

Hope is aware she is a beautiful woman. Men have commented on her beauty before. She accepts this with grace and politeness, yet it matters little to her. When a man compliments her intelligence she’s much more impressed, much more interested. It was being recognized for other things that made her feel beautiful.

And Atti, well, he had this way of looking at her that made her feel more than beautiful. Atticus with his easy smile and wonderfully expressive blue eyes made her feel desirable. She would just have to show him how much.

Title: Touching Me, Touching You
Prompt: handyouredealt & Angst

He can’t touch her and he wants to. He sees couples hold hands, trade easy, quick kisses on the cheek or the forehead and he can’t do that. It eats at him, even though he loves Rogue more than anything. She’s his one and only, his forever. He’s never letting her go, even though he can’t actually hold her.

So when they lose their powers and he can touch her he goes for it with all the passion that’s been denied him all these years.

And when their powers come back, he clings to those memories with ferocity. It’s all he’ll have. He loves her beyond the physical but it’s never easy.


Author’s Notes: While not as porny as I originally thought they were going to be, I like the sexy theme through out. With Ian, the vampires he's with is Dani. She'd totally be a vampire and he'd be a hunter and it'd be tragic and forbidden. I had no idea what to do with Tech. He's so asexual. It was hard, no pun intended. And Cas would totally go to Dalton and be a private school prep boy Warbler. Dean would be his bad boy boyfriend Warbler. It would be awesome. I have no idea what sexy suspense is. None. I tried my best.

[muse] mike chandler, [muse] hope chandler, [muse] remy "gambit" lebeau, [muse] castiel, [muse] jason bourne, [muse] jenna jensen, [muse] guy, [muse] jo harvelle, [writing], [muse] jason "tech" toye, [muse] ian

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