More Random: Might Be Addicted

Mar 03, 2011 22:57

You remember me wasting my time with this? Well, I wasted more time because these are addicting and I had to do more.

This time though, I used other people's muses for my own entertainment. I use them with love, my friends.

Sir Hannibal Smith, Exiled Dragonguard

A grand knight from a military family, Sir Hannibal reached the highest rank in the Queen’s Army, Dragonguard. These elite generals are fierce warriors, but also brilliant strategists and learned scholars. They all go to the Dragonback Mountains to train under the old, ancient dragons before they are allowed into the Dragonguard.

Sir Hannibal was the most honored Dragonguard until evidence was brought to the Queen that he was involved in a conspiracy to overthrow the Royal Family and murder the Queen. While he claimed innocence no one listened except a few of his trusted men. They helped smuggle Hannibal out of the kingdom and he returned to the Dragonback Mountains.

The dragons know he is innocent and are sheltering him from the Queen’s guard. He occasionally returns to the capital city in disguise to do good deeds.

William D. Tippin, journeyman scribe

As a young boy, William loved stories. He listened to bards when he could sneak into taverns, he devoured books and scrolls from the Royal Church’s schools and was good at coming up at stories of his own, much to his mother’s frustration.

Luckily for William, a Royal Church scribe recommended him for an apprenticeship in the Scribe’s Guild. He learned the fine art of calligraphy, sketching, and storytelling within the Guild. He worked hard and finally reached journeyman status.

Now he has to find his own story to write. He’s heard rumors of a thief in the capital city that can disappear into shadows. That’s the story he’s hunting.

Atticus Shadowstep, Hidden Guard

Within the elven clans there is a special elite guard, the Hidden Guard. Soldiers within the guard spend their lives learning how to be as invisible as the wind, swift and deadly.

Atticus Shadowstep was born with a talent for disappearing, which annoyed his mother greatly. Luckily, the Hidden Guard took him in right away. He became their best guard, able to vanish from sight completely. He still misused the talent on occasion, pulling pranks on other elves but he is dedicated to his duty and takes his responsibility very seriously.

He currently guards the Grand Cleric, acting as her constant shadow.

Aisha, Assassin

When the Kingdom of Orleans moved against the nomadic tribes of the Al-Fahid desert, they were ill prepared for the ruthless weather and even harsher inhabitants. They slaughtered the army without hesitation, forcing the Orleans army to retreat.

No one has dared into the Al-Fahid desert ever since. The tribes keep to themselves, but Aisha, daughter of a tribal chief, has left the desert. Her father did not return from a hunting trip. She believes he was kidnapped by the Orleans army for ransom. The trail led her to a pirate named Maxwell.

She has hired the Pirate Clay to help her hunt down the pirate who kidnapped her father.

Son of the Hunt

No one knows what his real name is. He claims to need no other name. He is the Son of the Hunt, half human, half spirit. He wanders the world, hunting the greatest wild creatures. He has slayed dragons, white deer, and even thunderbirds.

His latest hunt brings him to the cursed elven woods. He wants a cloak made from the fur of the legendary demon wolf.


Dean Winchester, Rider.

The Riders are an order of horsemen who live their lives constantly on the move. They share a spiritual bond with their horse, claims say they can ride between the living world and the spirit world and are known as gifted spirit hunters.

Dean was born in the order. His father was one of the best and taught Dean all his tricks. Yet, his father rode away on a mission and a few days later only his horse returned. He swung into his father’s saddle, left behind his mother and his little brother and began to search for his father, to try and bring him home. He has been hunting his father for years now and only occasionally visits his mother and brother. He is practically a stranger to them.

Recently, he has crossed paths with a whack-job religious nut calling himself a Templar named Castiel who seems to know something about his father’s disappearance.


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