Random: The Art of Time Wasting

Mar 02, 2011 19:21

As I remain unemployed, I have tons of free time on my hands, especially since the weather still isn't good enough for me to spend hours at the barn. So, I find random things to entertain myself with, usually video games but today I was doing laundry and between laundry loads I messed around with tektek.org's Dream Avatar Maker.

I got sucked into making some of my muses into fantasy characters. Mostly because I've been playing lots and lots of Dragon Age: Origins. Also, I need to get out of the house more.

Castiel, Templar and rebel.

Though he was raised as a Paladin, Castiel didn’t agree with the Royal Church’s view on things all the time. For one, he didn’t think the Queen and the royal line was divine. He also didn’t believe that all divine power came from the Queen and the royal line. If that was true, elves would never be divine.

Finally, Castiel’s doubts were too much and he left the Royal Church. He sought power elsewhere and after years of wondering the world he found the Celestial. He bound himself to a Celestial spirit and became the first Templar. Filled with Celestial power, he started to seek out others who thought like he did and wanted to leave behind the Royal Church’s control.

The Royal Church wants him dead, but they can never seem to find and kill him.


Captain Franklin Clay, pirate captain of the Lost Honor.

Once a highly respected captain in the Queen's Navy, Captain Clay and his crew were the best pirate hunters on the seas until their Navy ship was destroyed in a battle with the feared Captain Maxwell, a ruthless, brutal pirate.

Captain Clay and his men were counted as lost but in truth they had escaped the massacre and spent months adrift at sea until they washed up on the shore of the enemy kingdom of Orleans. There they assumed new identities and new lives as pirates.

His sole purpose now is to hunt down Captain Maxwell and get his revenge.


Dani, half-elf rogue & petty thief

Raised in an orphanage the only thing Dani had left of her parents was a magic cloak of her father's. Rumors said that her father was the infamous assassin, Shadow Blade. However, the cloak was locked up by the orphanage matron.

It took her most of her childhood to learn the skills necessary to steal it back, but one night she slipped into the orphanage vault, stole the cloak and disappeared. While the matron sent guards to look for her, no one has ever found a sign of her.

She lives now in the Queen's capitol city, stealing from whoever has something she wants and living in a hovel in the slums.


Royal Prince Remy LeBeau, heir to the kingdom of Orleans.

The only son of his royal highness King LeBeau, Remy is expected to take the throne upon his father's death. The problem is the boy is a notorious gambler and womanizer. All the King's advisers say he is a terrible choice as heir.

The problem is, Prince Remy is promised to the Queen's daughter. Their marriage is supposed to bring about lasting peace between the two kingdoms and ensure there are no more wars.

The Prince cares very little for the marriage or his promised bride. He wishes to run away from his kingdom and disappear but due to his distinctive red eyes he's always found by the Royal Guard and brought back to the palace.


Guy, elf possessed by a demon wolf.

As a young elf, Guy lived in a peace forest enclave with his clan. They were gifted hunters and leather workers. He was apprenticed under his father, training to be an artisan craftsman when a patrol of Queen's soldiers was dispatched to clear them out and claim the land for the Queen.

His clan was slaughtered when they refused to leave. Guy was left half dead on the battlefield while a spirit found him. The spirit told him if they joined together they could get revenge on the Queen's troops. Guy would be strong and fierce and able to defend the forest. He agreed to the deal and was taken over by the demon.

It transformed him into a half-wolf beast that did indeed hunt down the Queen's troops and kill them all. He now roams his ancestral home, killing all who trespass.


Grand Cleric Hope Lightward, elf Cleric.

While the elven people are more intune with the elemental and animal magics of nature every now and then one is born with a gift for divine magic. Hope was trained by the Royal Church in the Queen’s capital city. She far surprised any human with her affinity for the divine, some even believed her to be the prophet who would lead the Royal Church into a new era of prosperity and power. Others said she was too good to be true. How could an elf have so much power that didn’t come from the earth?

Of course, Hope knew she was no prophet. When she finished her training in the city she left and returned to the forests with her people. When the Clan leaders saw her power they elected her to Grand Cleric, a position that had been unfilled for ages. She accepted the honor and now sits on the Clan Council.

As Grand Cleric she tends to the sick, trains elves with divine powers like her own and teaches the way of the Royal Church.


Ian Trueshot, half-elf Ranger.

Though he grew up in the city, Ian always had a love of the wild places. His father was a merchant but his mother was an elf and she would tell him stories of the forest where she grew up. When he was old enough, Ian apprenticed himself to a bowman and learned the art of bow making. He also became an incredible shot.

As a journeyman he left the city and went to the woods, hoping to learn from his mother’s clan but they refused to teach him their craft because he was impure, tainted by his father’s human influence. While discouraged, Ian decided to stay in the woods and learn how to survive and live as one with the forest. One day he wandered into a dark, cold place within the woods and was attacked by a wolf-beast. He barely escaped with his life. A Ranger found him and nursed him back to health.

When he recovered, Ian joined the Ranger order and makes all the bows for them.


Sir Ithuriel, Paladin of the Royal Church

Given as a gift to the Royal Church as a young boy, Ithruiel was raised by the military branch of the church. He was trained in the fighting ways of the Paladin, wielding divine power not to heal but to destroy demons and warlocks.

However, Ithuriel is a better scholar than a Paladin. He’s by no means a bad fighter and can hold his own quite well on the battlefield but he would rather be reading ancient divine texts. The Royal Church is understanding of his desire to learn and lets him travel the kingdom finding ancient relics and old scripture.

He is happiest in the musty old ruin, especially if it’s an old musty ruin of a library.


Jenna Jensen, bard and tavern wench.

Ever since he brother’s supposed death aboard Captain Clay’s ship, Jenna’s life as gotten tough. Her brother has supported her ever since her High Lord lover refused to marry her or acknowledge that her child was his daughter. Now that her brother is dead, Jenna has to fend for herself.

She lives and works in a tavern in the Queen’s capital city, serving drinks and performing for the visitors. She sings and dances and gets to keep half of what patrons throw on the stage for her. It’s not much since she works in a rather anonymous tavern in a city full of them. Still, she’s got a little magic in her, magic she weaves into her music to get people to throw coins.

As best she can, Jenna’s getting by and taking care that her daughter can get some schooling in the Royal Church schools.


Second Limb Michael Foreststep, elf druid.

While the brother to Grand Cleric Hope, Michael has no divine magic. Like the majority of elves, his magic lies in the earth and nature. Yet, he shares the same immense power as his sister. The High Druid picked him from a young age to be his apprentice and Michael was practically raised by him instead of his parents.

Once he made master druid status, the High Druid named him Second Limb. He is the High Druid’s right hand, trusted adviser and it’s understood that when the High Druid returns to the forest as a Druid Tree, Michael will take his position.

For his part, Michael prefers to take long journeys into the woods to walk with the spirits. He can be gone for months at a time, communicating with the High Druid through the trees and winds. He will take his place when the time comes but he hopes it isn’t soon.


Arlessa Constanza Murphy, Arlessa of the Second City.

Fifty years ago the High Lord of Murphy was placed by the Queen as Arl of the second largest city in her kingdom, known as the Second City. Since then, the Murphy family as ruled the city with a fair but iron fist. Son after son has assumed the title until there was no son, only a daughter.

Constanza Murphy demanded to be trained like a son would. She learned how to fight and how to govern, though it caused a scandal among the High Lords. Many thought that the Queen would demand the Murphy family step down and a knew Arl would be appointed. However, the Queen did nothing and when her father passed, Constanza assumed the title of Arlessa.

Things have not been easy for her. A few High Lords refuse to deal with a woman, but so far the Arlessa continues her family’s tradition of just rule and prosperity for the Second City.


[random], [muse] michael chandler, [muse] hope chandler, [muse] remy "gambit" lebeau, [muse] connie murphy, [muse] castiel, [muse] jenna jensen, [muse] guy, [muse] ithuriel, [muse] ian, [muse] franklin clay, [muse] dani

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