Jun 14, 2010 13:33
Well, today is, hopefully, Harvey's last trip to the vet's. He's still got large bald patches but seems to be scratching a lot less so, with a bit of luck, this final injection will see off the last of the mites and his fur will start to grow back after that.
Tuesday is the season finale of CSI: LV over here. Big Bro saw it when he was in Vegas but he's managing to keep schtum about what happens so far. :)
My exam is on Wednesday morning, I guess I've done pretty much all the revision I can, so it's fingers crossed now that I don't get too freaked out at the last minute. My severe anxiety issues mean I get a home exam and Big Brother is taking a day off work to be around and greet the invigilator when he arrives, although he can't be in the actual room where I'll be doing the exam. Everyone's doing their best to accommodate me, I just hope the examiners have come up with a nice, Moonstarer friendly question that I can start with to build up my confidence and then my symptoms will probably ease a lot, once things get going.
Once that's all over I'll finally be able to get on with some of the stuff that's been on hold. I already have a list of possibilities listed on my white board and, yes, fanfic writing is on there. Still no promises on timescale though!
open university,