Title: April Fools
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Pairings: Harry/Blaise
Summary: Harry should've figured this out earlier, but he's always been a little dense.
Author's Notes: Pure, pure crack. For
fanfic100, prompt 85 - "She". Girl!Blaise fans, back off immediately.
April Fools
It started off normally. Harry sat in the kitchen, drinking peppermint tea and peering disinterestedly at that day’s issue of the Prophet. Yes, the day started normally enough.
But really, he should’ve clued in when Blaise had said he was going to see the twins in the afternoon. Harry had given his partner a confused look, but by that time, Blaise had already apparated away.
The next sign was the stray bra he found flung into the corner of their bedroom. For a few moments, Harry had considered a wild notion that Blaise was cheating on him. With a woman. But really, the thought was ridiculous: Blaise had never shown even the slightest indication of being bisexual.
It all clicked, though, when Blaise arrived home that evening. He entered the kitchen, where Harry had just finished preparing their dinner, and was gulping down a glass of cold water. ‘You’re later than usual,’ he said when he heard the latch click as the door closed again. He turned around-
And promptly choked.
Blaise stood before him, dressed in a green, glittery miniskirt, and an extremely tight shirt, and - were those breasts?!?!
There was a moment of silence, once Harry managed to get over his choking fit, where he stared at his partner in horror. And then Blaise burst out laughing.
‘The look on your face,’ he said, shaking his head. ‘Priceless.’
‘I don’t see how this is funny,’ Harry said, his face bright pink.
‘April fool,’ Blaise told him, coming over and winding an arm around Harry’s shoulders. ‘It’ll wear off overnight. And it was a good opportunity to test Fred and George’s new gender-bender creams.
‘And this,’ he continued, snapping a picture of the two of them (Harry still wide-eyed and blushing), ‘is going to be their best birthday present ever.’