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moonlightrick September 29 2010, 05:46:19 UTC
Best. Scene. Ever. I want to keep that scene on my ipod to make me laugh during papers and exams. I love Caroline and Stefan together--their banter is hilarious. I don't necessarily want them to pair up romantically, but they're adorably amusing as friends.

/something/ about caroline still annoys me, i think when she gets high strung and snippy.

Fair enough--to me, that's just part of her character being human, and I've always found her very sympathetic (especially because I tend to think some of her behaviour is a little more justified, albeit not perfectly-mature, than the other characters will admit), and I have a fondness for characters with a lot of range, so Caroline being amusing and heartbreaking in the episode pretty well guarantees her a spot in my heart.

I try to like Bonnie, I really do, but sometimes I just can't. Especially when it comes to her friends--her fights with Elena and Caroline tend to tick me off. I know she has her reasons, but how she deals with them don't exactly inspire affection in me. Plus, I'm not entirely convinced that her behaviour is driven only by a strong moral compass, and while her true motives might be equally as justified, the fact that she pretends it's all moral is...irritating. Plus, I think a power trip and some really nasty repercussions are getting increasingly inevitable.

Aww, Elena is the main character--she's allowed to be a *bit* of a mary sue on occasion. Anyway, I'm so glad they haven't made her like Bella, and she's pretty likeable in her own right.

I talked about it a lot more in my comment to verdant_fire, if you want the in-depth predictions, but... Yeah, I don't know about Damon and Elena. I mean, obviously she's going to at least learn to live with him again, and they're going to revisit the romance again at some point. I'm hoping it isn't this season (and to be fair to the writers, they've been pretty good with pacing, and with Elena being smart, and maintaining that Damon is not the right choice as he is). It comes down to the whole tv vs. reality thing, of course--no one who didn't hate their sibling would be willing to move forward with the murderer. (Of course, legal semantics, you could say that because Jeremy did survive, Damon is guilty of attempted murder, not murder, but I will laugh in the first shipper's face who suggests that makes it okay.)

I'm not sure that Elena will inevitably fall in love with and choose Damon. I know there's that undercurrent, and certainly there'll be something going on between them in the future, but... I don't think this is the show to assume that's set in stone, you know? It could be that Damon--in a world of vampires, witches, werewolves, and tv-type situations--will be able to pull off something that's enough to redeem him; that Katherine successfully corrupts Stefan, or that Stefan and Elena fall apart some other way; that Elena is able to forgive and love Damon. But I'm not sure that the show has set it up as a guarantee--in fact, the writers have been pretty good about keeping Elena pretty smart and level-headed with the whole vampire thing, so it could be that D/E is a side road, not the point. Or Elena/Damon could turn out to be very long road, and it won't be a definite/lasting relationship this season, or even really next season, but eventually, because it's TV and a mythos with vampires and werewolves so there are a lot of extremes (ie. Damon's redemption) and options (ie. Elena forgiving him) not available in real life.


Definitely :D And I need to pick a Caroline icon, if I'm going to be fangirling her this hard...


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