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moonlightrick September 29 2010, 05:18:33 UTC
Seriously. I don't know how TVD managed it, but it's my favourite show airing atm. It's sort of amusing, too, because any of my friends who aren't watching it look at me like I'm crazy whenever I suggest it isn't just vampire trash (or even just part of the vamp craze), while anyone who's watching agrees about the Awesome.

Like I said in-post, I've loved Caroline since the pilot--I've always found her very sympathetic, and alternately amusing, adorable, and heartbreaking--but I love the material they're giving her this season; if anything can bring people on board with Caroline, it has to be 2x03, because seriously, Candice, the girl is amazing. I just hope that they maintain the balance they had in Bad Moon Rising--banter (bunnies! and two-degrees-from-"it's tuesday"-face!), Matt, and awesome acting. I am all over that portrayal of Caroline. But, now the writers are talking about how (at some nebulous point in the future, so soon or after the show ends) Caroline is doomed, and it makes me all D: Especially since they already did the whole evil-then-killed thing with Vicki, I insist on Caroline being ALIVE. Otherwise I will cry, and it will be like Bennett and Donna and Anna and Wash all over again D:

I agree that Elena/Damon are inevitable, but I'm wondering about exactly what is inevitable. Like, soulmates and love-forever? Or working together/friendship and what-ifs and a redemption arc? I have mad faith in the writers (Anna aside, because I'm still in denial), so I'm hoping that E/D as a romance isn't on the schedule for this season, at least. I kind of think that Stefan is going to start spiralling, a la Katherine, and it's going to come down to Elena and Damon (and, I'm hoping, Caroline to some degree, because the banter is awesome) trying to save him, much like when Stefan fell off the wagon in s1. So, Elena probably won't have a lot of choice at first--needs must, and soul mate, and all--and she and Damon will form a truce, preferably after Damon becomes a lot more awesome and honourable than the sort of guy who will, say, murder her brother because Katherine "really pissed him off." I could see their relationship getting better (really, it can only go up as long as Damon continues to care for Elena, and the show was quite obvious about Katherine's "[I hate you] sounds like the start of a love story, Stefan, not the end of one"), but more over a long, hard season or two.

I'm not sure about Elena/Damon romance in the long-term. I can squint and see what-ifs, and Damon in love with her, sure, but I don't know if Elena will ever be in love with and choose Damon forever, and all. Obviously, that's a pretty popular sort of vampire/human relationship in tv/etc, but Elena's always been a lot more intelligent than that, you know? So while I wouldn't be greatly surprised if the writers did eventually go there (and TVD writers, they have mad plot and pacing skills), and Damon redeemed himself, and Elena could forgive, but I always wouldn't discount the idea that Elena chooses Stefan, whatever occasional deviations there are in the course of the show (it *is* TV).

Basically, my theory: K/S is an inevitable mess. Caroline is going to help Stefan--if they go with the bantering and mentorship/friendship brought up in 2x03, then I think C & S could become really close, and she might play a bit of a Lexi-like role (making Stefan lighten up, providing support, etc), or at least encourage a sense/reminder of responsibility. Elena and Damon are going to have to team up to save Stefan (and...all the other stuff I said). And hopefully Matt will eventually find out, maybe because Caroline saves him from Katherine, and there will be more M/C adorableness.

Bonnie's probably going to go on an anti-vamp rampage at some point and put people at risk. Just my expectation--she hasn't gone beyond the pale yet, exactly, but there's a lot of rage and power in that girl, and I think it's all going to go very, very badly in exactly the way Bonnie pre-Gram's-death would never have wanted or expected; basically, like all extremes justified by self-righteousness and power trips tend to backfire.

Anyway, that's what I hope! I think this season could be really awesome.


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