Dear ItM Readers [because everyone's just turned boring on me]

Apr 01, 2007 23:44

Sanar is dead because I got sick of her. Yeah, all that *angst* and stuff? Just got...annoying, really, so next chapter she wanders in front of a parked hovercar and dies. Erin is very relieved, and Kyp falls in love with Clayra, who was always a much better match for him anyway. Gantik, meanwhile, will turn emo and start a similarily inclined band. With Krista.

Lera goes goth and pursues this creepy but awesome and very IC (it makes sense in-fic! ...or not, but whatever, IC-writing is *boring*) relationship with Devnos--so what if he's dead? and her father's age? Hasi never returned her phone calls, and Nichyn is so--so--perfect, or whatever, and *boring*. Hasi and Nichyn will just have to turn to each other for comfort.

It turns out that Rafintair really was a Nice Guy After All. He and Geneva trade teddy bears over tea and crumpets on 777. Pucijir is Dejah's cuddly, absent-minded old grandfather. It turns out people on NLY are just really prejudiced against the age-challenged. Jerks. I mean, except Rafintair, of course.

I'm *very* excited about these new developments, and I'm sure you'll all like them much better this way. Who *wasn't* secretly rooting for Kyp/Clayra?! :O

P.S. - Jaina died with her twin. I didn't write her death scene. How many times can I kill that girl before she stays dead, anyway?

P.P.S. - ZEKK/PERDITA OTP 4 EVA!!1!!!1111

P.P.P.S. - This is what I do instead of studying for my psyc test. I make up lame spoilers for you guys. See what end-of-semester is doing to me? :p

writing, in the morning

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