A longer post, vs. spam

Mar 31, 2007 22:41

Here's something that sucks: When a group plays this amazing music intro, and you think you've found a new band...and then they turn out to be scream-o's. Because the screaming just gives me a headache, however great the music is. This is me post-listening to an alexisonfire song *sigh*

Otherwise, despite my busybusybusy upcoming two weeks, I got to see panther today, which is way, way better than studying for my psych test ;p Um...downside, I spent *way* too much money ($200 :O), but then again I never buy *anything*, and I'm going back to work in a few weeks.

That said, two books ("Character Traits" and "Fantasy Reference"), two CD's (Joss Stone and Sister Hazel), new clothes (skirt, tanks) and shoes, dinner and starbucks chipped away at my baleful-looking bank account. I might actually *need* a few shifts of my work O_o


Speaking of work, I have two potential job opportunities:
1. Tim Hortons
2. Safeway

Tim Hortons is, of course, where I worked last year for...almost ten months, I think? So I feel kind of loyal to it, for being my first job experience--and the people there (not the customers. *not* the caffeine addicted customers. but the people behind the counter) were all absolutely wonderful. My bosses were very not bosses-from-hell, I got along with my supervisors, managers, and fellow storefront grunts. The hours were flexible, time off was very available so long as it was booked off ahead of time, etc, etc. My bosses liked me; I'm more than reasonably certain I could return to my job there this summer. However, it was also a mad dash, dealing with aforementioned caffeine-addicted, donut-snarfing, ice cap-demanding customers. Transportation would be me driving there for each shift--hopefully, my parents won't ever need the van while I do (we no longer have the suburu, and they've gotten more used to using the van since last summer).

Safeway is a new option--my neighbour (and my mom's friend), it turns out, is in charge of the hiring there. This morning, she told my mom that if I wanted it, I (and Megan) could have a job there for the summer. Obviously, new situation and training, but it's very easy to bus to (in case I *can't* have the van), and I imagine it would be far less mad-dash than TH. +, people would be picking out their own purchases. Which would make it their fault if something went wrong, although being a possible cashier would mean memorizing all the vegetables and fruits :p

So...opinions? Part of me is leaning a little more towards Safeway, but I still need to call Merisha about it--she was going to apply to TH so we'd be working together, but if she doesn't mind working at safeway instead...?

I am horribly indecisive. This is not, perhaps, the best thing for a writer to be. Oops?


-speaking of writing, I *really* need to plot out the last several (!!!) chapters of ItM--I'm currently writing the last post I have planned *facepalm* Technically, most of the planning is...somewhere, but I need to compile it all, and take into account some of the changes I've made. And figure out if I want to keep the K/M scene in its current form--it's not horrendous, actually, but it *was* written over a year ago, so...this may be me waiting and seeing :\

-also, I really need to decide how much is too much/if The Scene After The Scene is IC, etc. I suppose I have three weeks, give or take, to stew over that one...

-I am very happy about one of the...*cough* new...characters who shows up in ItM :D This is a very happy author. Even if people may or may not figure her out in about three paragraphs :p

-I'd like to review my 'soundtrack' for K/S, see if I'm missing anything.

-I might be posting ItM here on my lj? I'm not sure. I don't suppose anyone will *actually* be reading it here, after all. But it might be nice, over the summer, since it will be completed, and only a matter of html and some shameless ret conning editing. Or maybe ItM should be chalked up and pushed aside as a *learning* experience, and covered up for its...numerous, numerous faults. And if I do post, maybe I should just go for broke (I have an excuse for using this so often recently--it's the title of the ItM chapter I'm writing right now :p) and throw up all of Always, and laugh at what's happened since the days when I didn't like Sanar, and planned to kill her off in "just a few scenes" :p (here's irony for you: if everyone *else* hadn't hated her so much, my muse wouldn't have been so defensive, and she probably *would* have disappeared pretty quickly :P)


Otherwise, it's just a matter of getting through the next 2.5 weeks :|

kyp/sanar, music, writing, school, work, in the morning, life

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