Farms, Tiburon, and feet oh my!

Jun 02, 2012 16:03

I can't wait for Tibby's cone of shame to come off. We have a friend of ours staying in 200 acres of farm about 20 or so minutes away from us in a beautiful area. We went there without Tiburon yesterday evening and it is just amazing. Tibby will have a blast running around there and playing with my friend Mark's dog Caser and the resident dog there named Gracy. We're slated to go next Saturday after our friend gets off work. Tibby will have his stitches out Sat morning so it will be all good!

The farm is amazing. It has this huge old Australian single story farmhouse mansion that was starting to be fixed up before it was left to start falling into ruin. The floors are a gorgeous hardwood (jarrah) and a lot of the bathrooms were redone with fresh pluming and stone work before it was abandoned. I wish our camera was working as getting pictures would have been amazing. Unfortunately it is dangerous to roam too freely in as the ceiling is collapsing in places due to water damage.

Tiburon exhibited the kelpie jumping instinct for the first time today as well. We went over to the in laws to take care of their place while they are in China and as I was trying to get him to do down some steps, he instead insisted upon jumping down off the porch. It was only about 21/2 feet but I'm sitting there cringing and worrying about him pulling his stitches.

The second time, he tried to jump up onto the porch rather than use the stairs, only he wasn't so successful. He managed to jump up onto the  very edge of the porch, balance there for about 2 seconds (on the tips of the toes) and then lost his balance and had to let his hind legs drop down. He then let his front paws drop back down and then stood there a second looking guilty. I tried to get to him before he fell, again worried about his stitches, but he is perfectly fine and finally opted to start using the stairs like a sane dog. I checked his stitches for tearing/pulling, redness, etc anyway just because I am paranoid.

Tibby is so over having the cone on his head too. He wants to stratch his ears and neck in piece. When we got home, he started trying to scratch his ear with a hind foot, or perhaps wanted to nibble on his hind foot, I'm not certain, but somehow he ended up with his hind foot in his mouth more than once. James and I were laughing hysterically the entire time as he was sitting there chewing on his foot. He apparently had an itch on one of his toes or something? But at one point he looked like he was sucking on his toes.

Just to be on the safe side, I checked his feet just to make sure he didn't have anything in his paw or anythorn or brambles.

fun, tiburon, silly, dog

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