(no subject)

May 16, 2010 00:01

How much do I love my brothers? So much.

I am talking to Eldest and Youngest online right now. Youngest just got back from a school trip to the Galapagos and is telling me about milking a cow and we're making Darwin asides. Eldest is at a cousin's wedding in Tennessee:

N: you should be here. You could wingman me and donate blood.*

R: Are you going to [other cousin]'s wedding?
R: The timing is a lot better for me on that one
R: I'm planning on being there

N:no, don't think so
N: which means it's like a 1% thing
N: you and mom are, right?

R: yeah
R: You and me wingman-ing it would be hilarious

N: omg, I'm afraid it would be a hilarious double-fail
N: "Hey, that's my brother Nathaniel, he's into Scrabble"
N: "Hey, see that girl over there? She wants to give blood in all fifty states."
N: and then.... "Oh hey, have you met my mom yet?"

Youngest brother experienced a typing fail, because middle brother stole the keyboard and changed it back to the traditional Qwerty layout. You see, youngest brother only knows Dvorak.


Tomorrow, Hetero Life Mate (aka roommate) and I are going to watch Iron Man 2 and go to a cheese festival. Tomorrow is going to be awesome, especially since today was stupid. Perhaps later I will write out a post detailing how various people were misogynistic, anti-intellectual and/or just plain frustrating....

*It really is a life goal to donate in all fifty. This means I have to visit them individually, with at least several weeks between each. I was angry when I saw a blood drive yesterday because the state of Washington won't let me donate again until July 28th because they require a one year wait time after getting a tattoo. Sad face!
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