(no subject)

May 23, 2010 03:52

My current favorite file name on my desktop is "data flow and indicators of love.txt" I tend to make many notes in a single document and this one encompasses information structures, robots, human/computer interaction and random thoughts on future projects. Pretty much what it says on the label, just a very silly label to have. It's hanging out right next to "a strange physicality.txt", which is more project notes.

The following conversation was reported by my roommate, between her and a cast member of the play we worked on:

Katie: Rebecca and I just got Battlestar Galactica season four from the library.
Jesse: Okay, that sentence just got geekier and geekier as it went along.

Speaking of said play, it closed tonight. Strike went quite well. Photos were taken of many, many things in the past few days, and I shall share at some point.
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