I Do and We Did!

Dec 21, 2008 15:19

My habit of being only on the short list but never making the final cut for an anthology call seems to be at an end. (I hope permanently :P ). I just found out I made it into the “I Do” charity anthology project created by alex_beecroft  and several others. All profits of the sale of the book to go to the Lambda Legal Fund and all Printing and distribution costs have been donated by MLR Press.

I’m so excited about this. I’ve never been a gal who could sit back and do nothing when injustices are happening around me, but with money being so horribly tight, I couldn’t donate to any of the places fighting the hate that is Prop 8. “I Do” gave me the chance to donate something that means a great deal to me, one of the stories I write.

“True Love” was written just for this anthology, and I hope the family feel will touch many not only who are LGBT parents, but also those who’d like the understand the challenge laws like Prop 8 dump on same sex couples and their children. No, this is not one of my erotica pieces, but I’m not less proud of it then anything else I have ever written. With the help of Lee Rowan’s editing eye I’m pleased to soon be able to share it with all of you.

The anthology will be available in ebook and print form, and I'll let you know when it’s available as soon as I get word. Here’s the blurb for you enjoyment and a list of the wonderful authors and stories you’ll find inside.

Do you support the right of any human being to marry the person they love? The right to say 'I Do' to a life of commitment and sharing with that one special person? Through sickness and health, for better or worse, till death do them part?

Remember all, the profits from this anthology will go to the Lambda Legal Fund to help them fight the cause of marriage equality in the CA Supreme Court and beyond.


The Lindorm’s Twin Brother by Tracey Pennington

Desire and Disguise by Alex Beecroft

The Roaming Heart by Charlie Cochrane

Outed by Clare London

Lust in Translation by Storm Grant

Making memory by Lisabet Sarai

Swansong by Sharon Maria Bidwell

Finally Forever by Jeanne Barrack

Code of Honour by Marquesate

Tango and Temptation by ZA Maxfield

The Mistake by Pat Brown

Holy Macaroni (and Cheese) by Allison Wonderland

The Snow Queen by Erastes

Better than beautiful by Cassidy Ryan and Zoe Nichols

Semi-detached by Emma Collingwood

Rules of the Game by Mallory Path

Templeton's In Love by Jerry L Wheeler (check out the cool backstory on this one)

True Love by Moondancer Drake

Salad Days by Fiona Glass

Wedding Announcement by Lee Rowan

short stories, lgbtq, about moon, updates, writing

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