It seems we are not to be kitten free for long. Six foster kittens arrived last night, most done with a horrible case of a respiratory infection from their time at the shelter. I was up past midnight brushing, trimming, giving meds, feeding, etc… and getting all of the kitten into their sleeping area. Once the cold is gone they’ll get daily play room time, but for not they need peace, rest, and time to adjust. If you want to know more about the new kittens feel free to visit the link below.
On a writing note, I was able to finish my vampire erotica short for a anthology I am submitting to, and my article on
building secret societies in paranormal fiction is up at
Women and Words blog for your enjoyment.
Toph is around 5-6 weeks old at most, and is a tough girl through and through. She got a white belly and her top coloration is black and brown waves in med length hair. Very cute and very hissy. I and my son can get her purring, but she is hissing most of the time even when eating. My guess is she was born feral.
Toph’s cage mate is a white kitten with grey spots we’ve names Stormy. They are both being hissy so I thought less cage mates would do them both better. So far they seem to be much better with less roommates. Stormy is very affectionate and playful with people, but seems less than fond of other cats. I’m guessing she’s about two maybe even two and a half months old.
The eldest of the new foster kitties is Rune who is a beautiful tortoise colored (black with reddish brown and just a bit of white under the chin) girl who I’m gauging at about four months old. She and her brothers were in a home fire, and her family were unable to take them back. Her brothers are being cared for at another very good foster home. She is so loving, and seems very find of me from the very beginning. She will be a hard one to give up.
Blaze and her brother Smokey came together. They are about two and a half months old and both have very long hair. The cold had hit them the hardest, Smokey the most so. Blaze is a long haired tabby girl and Smokey is mostly grey. Blaze is very active and playful.
I’m not entirely sure Smokey is a boy, but with all his hair her looks like he is. I had to trim his butt fur because he is so sick and I wanted to keep his poop from clumping there. He also got a bath today and seems to be breathing easier than he was. He still has me worried, but we’ll take it one day at a time.
There’s one more tabby, and we’ve named him Rai. My son insisted the cat was named after him because it has blond fur and blue eyes. He is likely near the same age as Toph, though far more easy natured. He is willing to stick up for himself against the more rough housing kittens like Blaze which is always a good thing. My kids have taken to him quickly since he looks very much like the kitten Luna we just find a home for last weekend.
I’ll try to get pictures taken when the fuzz balls are feeling better. For now I’m off to do food and meds. Eight cats and two kids…I must be crazy. Well, it’s only temporary.