I have just seen a clip from the Aang auditions.Thanks to
tryxkittie for the link.
Click to view
This one kid is amazing. He is sooooo Aang. Did you see his stick work? And those flips. ARRRG!!!!!! And that adorable smile at the end. He is soooooooo Aang.
Thanks also to
aang_aint_white for giving me some ideas of a way to speak out about this casting fiasco other than making all of you and everyone around me listen to me rage about it. He has a great series of pictures
HERE so folks not familiar with the show can see the art and characters, and maybe understand better why the fans are so upset. And
HERE’S the link to where he explains how to do a productive letter campaign. Who knows if it’ll make a difference but I’m tired of just bitching about it. I’m ready to do something…anything.