Another drive by update

Nov 06, 2008 22:39

Time for bedtime, got writing to do to catch up to time lost with sick kidlet (who is now well) Heres a short clips from the WIP for Nano and todays word count.

28,228 / 50,000
(remember this is totally unedited, but I hope still enjoyable)

Tonight as it had been the past few evenings the moon was not visible in the sky making it feel like they wore their blinders all the time. They found their food by touch and smell alone. There was little else to do but talk, eat, and tell stories. Umka wasn’t near as skilled as Gizam in the art of storytelling, but he’d shared some amusing adventures to pass the time.

The ride seemed to go one forever, long after they normally stopped to make camp. Gizam and Umka both ran out of the patience for telling stories earlier in the evening and the last few hours had been spent in weary silence.

“I wonder how many of them will make it through.” Umka wondered allowed as he chewed nosily on a chunk of seared beef.

Gizam took a long drink of goats milk from her gourd. She’d wondered this same question to herself many time over the last few days. Don’t know. Most of them look strong and confident.”

“Yeah, but confidence is not something most of the marked are short of. Remember, beside Roeni like you, most train their marked children from very young, pampering them like royalty. That kind of thing get in your head. Make you do foolish things to prove you are better than everyone else.”

Gizam yawned, undisturbed as the tempo bumped and jarred underneath her. The movement had become comforting in a way, familiar. “You’re not like that.”

“I used to be.” He admitted. “Before the dreams came I was pretty full of myself, too. I guess I had all that scared out of me. Now I know it’s not all about glory and being the best for your own ego. Being a Windaji is about doing a job, protecting all of Watumoyo from the evil that wants to destroy everything.”

Gizam wasn’t certain what to making of this knowledge. During their time together she’d thought she’d gotten to know Umka well, like she knew herself. It was hard to imagine him behaving the spoiled prince she’d thought at their first meeting he’d be.

excerpts, path of the huntress, updates, nanowrimo

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